Tuesday, November 8, 2016

finally no more political fighting

Finally the  election will come  to an  end .....and as  we  all know the informed  ones  ...that its  a circus of puppets and the master  are the powerful  families .....need we  say  name  or   just drop a  couple   for the ill informed  of  you who have  heads  jammed in your  ass ....the  rothschilds ...whose  total  wealth  spans  in and  around  575 trillion ...yes  thats  witha  T   as they are always  sayong in the  weak  pathetic  media .....you know they are    always  saying  billions  with a  B,.... well sadly thats a  T........yes they have  financed  all wars  both sides   since inception  .....its not  new  its  there on the web ....they  even  ponied  up  to help   HH   himself ......funnily enough the  only country  america  is  at war  with  is the ones  it  does not have  banks in .....HMMMMMM  you  may think  why not  .......america has  giving  iran billions  ....not  haiti .......america is not a country its a  business.....unless you have  your  patriotic   head jammed in your  stupid  fat  ass ....you will realise  this .......always has  been  its a massive  rotund  of consumption .......but  does anyone  care .....


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......