Wednesday, December 31, 2014

complete and utter bollocks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!emotional support animals .................

There  seems to be a certain people  that  need  an animal  to get through life ....hmmmmm!!!!!...they are  known as  emotional support animals....and  so called  doctors  giver you a  script  so that you can  get in anywhere  or  freebie in  condos you do not have  to pay a fee .....
Well i think these  people are taking the  fricking's why  all animals in some way or another  are  bought and  given to people for some  emotional reason or we  all  should have  scripts ..for  animals ...i think its  a complete   farce  and  a cop -out   ..we al know these  people  do not  give a  fuck  about pets ...its a  self  absorbed  pile of  shit......its  just  another  rouse  by  people  to take the piss out of the system and  abuse  any privilege......  


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......