Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Miami marlins ...whats a sham!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did no one see this scam coming ,the guy dies not care about baseball,this is  not a  sport to him ,its about  how much money he  can  scam out of  the populi of  miami,but of course the poor neighbourhood will ultimately suffer,what does the owner  care he is garaunteed  millions from broadcasting rights ,so he  replaces his teams  with bottom dollar  guys  to keep the payroll down.....
What else  could you expect from the likes  of   miami a  town awash  with corruption ,crooks,shady deals ,and  fake ass sport deals...oh well what else  could you expect froma  town that if you spel its  anme  backwards is I MAIM....says it all really ,miami is frequented by  the glitzy glamourous ,and famous ,but the underbelly of this city is hideous ,and the rich dont suffer ...its the  poor and hard working that pick up the bill..............


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......