Sunday, March 31, 2013

Day 8 of Protandim

I am usually busy assaulting the world or finding things to bitch about in my website .....but i am on  a journey here ... i will from time to time however ,still throw in chracter assinations,and insults...but for the moment i am seriously ,overwhelmed by the results i have had from protandim....

This is my second day ,signing up with life vantage ,i would like to say that i have never felt so good ....waking up ,sleeping ,or anything else ...

I personally think it will be a  wake up call for lots and lots of people who want to feel better ....and why not ..why feel like shit ,the mind boggles as to wonder why  one would like that feeling.....

I have done the 5 hour energy drinks and yes they do  jack you up ,but the do not clean out your de-rust you ......

I like the feeling this protandim has given me and i do like the fact  that i have  gained like anolther  gear...

This is omnly my 8 th day and the  life vantage  corp tells  me its accumulative .....well i am excited to see whats  ahead ....i will keep you informed of my progress ..please feel free to watch the video clip at the bottom of my other blog ...protandim ...and you will see what i saw ...a new way to feeeling better .......


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......