I have known for a long time TV is a pile, but somewhat entertaining ....cable is made up , of a few hundred or so programmes ,mostly which are fodder ,for the mindless shopper,i have myself,had a couple of bargains from the illustrious QVC .... i do admit ......every now and then ,do come up with a good ,hard to resist bargain....
But i have seen reality TV go to its lowest reality TV show yet ......Amish Mafia ......now i am not sure about you, ,but i have been to pensylvania ....if you are really wanting cold weather.....and mountains and like desolation .....then pennsylvania is for you ......it really does not have a lot of redeeming qualities ....it does however offer a reality show on how to get fucked every day, in the city of brotherly love ...for parking......... ( parking wars )..... ( another desperate attempt to feed the mindless empty headed TV junkies with undereducated people squabbling about their bad indecisions).....nice if you like that life ......not for me i like a stress free life ....
But they have found a band of Amish people that are so called mafia ....they pimp out buggies and race and act all bad ass in peasant clothing ......see i am not sure what your definition of mafia is ...but...i was under the illusion, that mafia added up to money laundering/extortion /prostitution/gambling/money lending /oh and of course their fav of all pastimes execution !!!!!!!........
Now i have been to pennsylvania , on a few occasions, and funnily enough met a few amish people and bought honey from them ......and i have to say ,the chance of any criminal or violent activity procuring from this band of people seems totally impossible ......
Amish people do not use electricity ....so how the hell are they gonna electrocute you or cut you up with a zaw-saw....they are peasants /broke ...they eeek out a living selling furniture and bread and home made shit and crappy over priced furniture made by hand /and wear terrible clothing .....i am having difficulty trying to figure out , how TV execs found a criminal element in a bunch of broke ass backward simple peasant people .......of course unless there is honey laundering ......or controlling hay for the cows but that does not inject to the criminal empire somehow.......
Also you could not run a prostitution ring because the women are fucking hideous and very nasty dressed ......so what in the hells name could there be in the amish existence that qualifies them as mafia ......
Of course unless you a married white TV exec and you consider anything other than going to JC pennney's with you wife, is criminal then you truly have a TV show for really backward white people .....strapping and engine to an amish buggy is not mafia its called : i wanna get somewhere to day , for fucks sake ....not in a week....fighting ....well why would you not fight if you live in pennsylvania thats enough reason to fight for fucks sake.....
These people have to be the most uninteresting /boring/ broke people apart from their fellow quakers ....in modern society ....i mean in the amish community how fricking gangster can you get...... these are peaceful people .....and maybe their kids are fucking pissed off with living a broke ass life and having to date in a buggy that does like 10 miles a week and has candles and your parents tag along .....when you see hotties ....who would not want to be amish ...its for old people and their is nothing to be gained from being amish except boring and broke pure and simple ...
I know now reality TV is nothing more than a pile of shit pure and simple .......
There are not enough words for this fucking useless ....nutless ....gutless...... filthy ....low life dirtbag ....lying two faced p...
mark zucherburg just lost 7.2 billion dollars but he has another 82 billion so its not that bad when you have that much cash i guess .......
I mean for fuck's sake who does not like tan lines .......women love them on women .....men love them on women .......they are aweso...
If you are not busy.......need something to read while taking a shit/dump/crap/turd/turkish delight(shite)winnie....winnie the pooh/mister...