Saturday, December 22, 2012

BP fined 7.8 billion for disaster.......

 B.P ,.......those  ever  so English  oil chappies, from the  good old  UK , were   fined 7.8...billion dollars ......i think that's  like  4.8 billion  good old British  pounds  sterling ...if  my mind  is  serving me  well....
 It does  seem like a  lot of  dosh/cabbage/flims/money/shekels/green ,....... or  however  you  may  phrase  your  terms for  good old  cash.........but to  BP ...British Petrolieum (or bad people)...this  corporation  makes  around  approx  ......$3000 dollars per  second ..on their  global oil domination....yes folks  that   what  they  make  every second  of the day  when you   see  a fine  for  7.8 billion  ,its  really not  a dent in their  oil  barrel at  all .....and  of  course ,we  all know , in between  getting  fines and  greasing some  major  countries (politicians ,and renegade african leaders)  palms  (excuse the pun)...the tax  write offs   must be  staggering  for  the  slick  execs at  BP ...and  of  course at the end of the day  ,you  only need  to know  if  the put  up  gasoline  one or  two cents  around  the globe  , they could  harvest  that in a few  days ...................

So at the end of the day  ,we  the consumers  get lubed  not  BP  they simply  increase  the price of  gas cover their  ass theory it  does  seem like it  is a  beating to  BP  ....but  only like a  slap on the derrerier (french for  ass) between  more oil and  exploration and  jobs  being created .....BP has  to  be  appear  to be satisfy some   back ward  people  who only care   about their  gumbo ....and their little  simplistic   existence  ,which  got  flattened  in one  day....mean while it  to
took a lifetime  to build ....

but BP  had to seem like it  cared ,  a little  ,and  eventually those  happy  cajun   folk , will be  somehow  using the  gas  of  BP  somehow  and  by  BP  paying them  in fines  ...everyone  will be  happy (well somewhat anyways,)  with what they got  and  what  BP  got ....was  probably a fine  that added up to  maybe a  few  months  oil .....its a  win  win  situation ,you can't fell sorry  for the like of  billion  dollar  companies ......they have  their  asses  covered  somehow  ,by their  lawyers and  or  cohorts .....but at least it  will put to rest the lives  of  the  people  that got    destroyed ,the only  lives  that  got  screwed in this  deal of  course  was  the animals  in the ocean......but that  does  not  count . Because,unfortunately ,the  oil companies and  people that have no respect for  animals  or  life in general ,know these  animals  cannot claim against them and  simply cash  those oh  so  guilt  laden checks ........


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......