Thursday, December 13, 2012

korea fires a rocket...........

I am not a liker of  the country  Korea in  anywyay;s whatsoever ,but who ,has the right to determine ,if they can,or cannot fire a rocket......why,becauue  america wants to control everyone........

I think korea ,has and should be able to do what it wants on it's own soil....maybe there is  an  element of fear  ,that makes  other countries  uneasy because  they are  korea...

I am not sure about you,but  america  beats  it  chest about  what others do is  wrong and  dangerous....oh really !!!!!america  does  more  underhanded and sneaky  things  against its own people  ,and it bitches  about  korea being bad to its own people....

It's okay for america ,and UK  to launch rockets and spy satelites  to spy on  everyone ...but no one  else  can do it.....

America cannot police the planet ...although it does  stick it nose  into  too many  places  where they should not be can only spread yourself so far then you start to thin out and become  weak ......!!!!!   



  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......