Friday, November 23, 2012

Thanksgiving a total sham ........

Thanksgiving a total sham ,its meant to be a  day of   the families  all being together........its  total bollocks,  its just another  day ,for corporation to bleed  money from  people....and they fall for it.

Case in point ,they moved black friday forward to midnight ....i mean whats  the point why  not just leave  stores open ....

first of  all  ...everything you buy is  way over priced  ,so you are getting shafted  anyways ...the chinese people  work for  bowls of  fucking rice,...... in shit factories  ,so the  stuff  costs nothing to make , so that's and  ass raping  right off the top

Then when it GETS to the store  ,by the time  they add on  cost, overheads and  theft and  wages  its  gone through  the  roof ........and  joe  public  falls  for it every time ....especially the fools  that wait in line  for  new  shit ....all those  i-phones  cost nothing to make ......i mean it dopes  not  take a  scientist to figure out shit  ,have you  seen those  poor  assembly  line  people  in  china....i mena  steve  jobs  tore the ass out of the phone world...and  made  phones  ...incidently they are  okay  ...but  they are  not  worth the fucking loot.......

Wal-mart the  massive  rotunda of  chinese  crap ,has a black friday sale ....and people  are  fighting like  zombies  over  a piece of  meat ...for  cheap already  overpriced shite  phones ...and they think  they are getting a deal .....

I have said it now, and i will say it  again  ,nothing is free,only the fool buys into that one ......if you think about it  ...they can  give you 50% of  stuff and the  store  still stays  open......  so already half of that is  pure  profit .....but  people  think they are  getting deals ...and  oh  gas  came down on black friday that not a coincidence  huh !!!!!!!.......
But thanksgiving  is another  excuseable pathetic  day  which  got  masqueraded as  family value  day ......
but american  family values  are  rotten to the core ..but it is covered  over  by .....materialism  ,becasue the best  way to show  your kid you love them , simply buy them stuff .....its  easier  that way ......especially if you as a  parent.....cannot even love yourself ....and you are encompassed  by self hatred the choices you made if you  have  no  love for you,then ow  can you love  someone else .....simple  , you do  what  most people  do , buy it...its way easier  than  getting self  esteem......thats  way  harder ......And the power over and  above your  head.....they know  of  this  interior  epidemic....and simply masquerade over it and make money  form a  charade  ...that people  simply think's a  special  day ......if it is  a special  day .........then why are people  out fighting  homeless  people  over a  piece of  old chicken ...rather than be home with their  families ....simple  becaue they cannot stand them !!!!!! happy thanksgiving ..........


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......