Saturday, November 17, 2012

Jill Kelly the tampa whore .....

Jill kelly ,the whore from now  whining  its  affecting her  kids ,and  dumbass husband.....shame on you  boo must have known  this  would come back to bite you in  the  ass...if  not  then she  is  a  total slug....

if you are banging someone like patraeus, high profile ...well as high as it gets,  head of  CIA ...i mean , she   did  not know  this  ..or  maybe  she  did ,and was  too selfish  to  care  .....patraeus  said  he  never porked the bitch....CIA  men are not known  for  honesty ,really  and look at his  wife....  and  look at her  she is  hot porno  hot ...and his  wife  looks  well old  as  dirt  .....i know but  he is  a man in power and the bitch is  hot ...and  his  wife  does  not look like  she is  a vixen in  the bedroom....all men  need  a wee  bit on the  side   just  like  jam or  bacon

Really it is  what it is,he banged a hot babe  from tampa ,his wife is pissed and  now  they fucked  up's not the first,and it will not be the last....

He is a  top notch guy, and well he has power in his  job, and women like all them  blingy ass medals and stuff...i understand  him actually if my wife  did not take care of  her  ass,  and i got the chance  to bang a hot babe then hell yeah .....but  i am not to be trusted  as i am a pig...... and thats  why i am not head of the CIA .....responsibilty  comes  with a price either  pay the price,  with your  health, mind, job, or  money  ...but you  pay  maybe  with all.... of  them 

I do hope jill kelly was  worth it  i tend  not to  think  so  she is  milf, hot and stuff , but risking a  high profile  high  security  career  for a piece of  ass  like her i tend  to think not..........  


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......