Thursday, October 4, 2012

maybe America needs two guys to run the country...

Why do we only have one president,why not  a  couple of guys,running the country.....after all  america  is a  big ass place....

Whycant there be two guys  helping out ,a vice president really is not the same,why  not have a copuple of  guys  taking care of business on both sides  it sounds like it might be easier .......

How much can a president get done in one  day,really!!!!!!they  could take shifts ,and  while one is at a meeting the other  one  can be  signing  shit and  stuff....just a thought really ......its seems to me ,that one  guy  running this  whole  thing,is getting run down ,all the presidents  gave   after  4 years ,......why not  two  doing all the shit that   thrown on one  guy .

To hell with ego's and  stuff..i think the country  would be in a  better place with two guys ,and also they can   settle their  differences  with  plans  and  regulatory  stuff.....of course  this might be too  easy  always .......two minds  are always  better  than  one .....although egos  in politics  will never  let that  happen ....shame  really  ....

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