Friday, September 7, 2012

why voting is a waste of time ....................

It does not matter  who you get  ,for president ,America is in the toilet ,it will take at least 7-10 years before recovery will start to take hold.

The debt that stands  right now  will be  easily a  couple of generations of inheritance whoever  you  vote  for  will not  fix  this  crisis  in the next 4 years ...

Sure politicians  governors,will promise you the earth ,talk is cheap,always has been ...its like dating ,a guy will tell a  woman anything to  get into her pants ......this is  what politicians  tell you only its on  a bigger  scale

People get conned  by greed  ,all greed is  is stupidity in a different form that's  all  and  people  fall for it ,and if you are a  smooth talker like a politician people will lap it up ......and they all know  that  people fall for greed .....

All politicians are in the same bed only they  care  about themselves not the people,but people think the other way around  ,its all about big money and senatorial hand wringing,and favours ....

Presidents are employed by the people ,they are on our payroll ,....but people  do not  care enough  because they are selfish and selfless ,they only care  as a  unit nothing else ass long as  people  think that way the govt will roll right on  what they are doing ...and the only people  to blame for the mess not the president  its  the  voters ......and you deserve all you get ......!!!!!

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......