Monday, August 6, 2012

sex classes ,kissing classes ,love classes ....are you serious

I have been reading, that  some  women ,men and couples ,are going to classes that teach them how to kissing, and how to love each other ....
Are people that emotionally bankrupt/desolate/empty ,they do not  know  about love making /kissing/all the things  about eroticism....
What the hell have these  people been doing with their  lives ..... if they have to go to those  classes ......i do see  how you might have to go to pottery/basketweaving /painting/sculpting.....but kissing and learning how  to love .....this points  to one  thing, their  is  someone  making money  from  someones  insecurity............

Surly people  are not that behind, that they need  to learn  to kiss......  decently ....well i thought i have  heard  everything  ...but i guess  not   ..did their  parents friends  or some people  not help them out  .....seems  nuts  that you have  to go to a  class  to learn  how  to  get it on !!!!!!!

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......