Thursday, July 5, 2012

lifegaurd fired for saving a life .........

Welcome to Florida the mental colony of  America  ...once again ,the retarded sandbar of the south ....does what it does  best , and fires a  man , for  doing what he is  employed  to  do ....saving a life ....

Jeff Ellis ,who owns  the company (life guard ? saving lives?....)  the owner of the life guard  company is  official a  cocksucker of the highest  award ..because the man was 100 yards over his zone ....

I do hope ,mister  Ellis ...... is in the need of  a lifeguard,..... and drowns, and is brought back to life ......And is  a vegetable and  needs help.  and this  karmic  result will indeed  be fun................well ,...... think so  anyways , because pricks like this , are the people  who ruin every ones  fun 

Thomas lopez,  should be awarded in many many ways  ...for  doing the right thing ,  as a  human being firstly  ....but  this is  how   the  rules and regulations  are   ridiculous  ...

I love  Florida because,...... it has  constant sunshine ...great  winters ...and  basically i have tried  livng other  places,  including shit holes Arkansas ....which is   seriously  worse than  Florida,........  in a  two faced  pseudo religious  way  ...but that's  another  blog  ..

But in all honesty,....  Florida is  a shit hole on the scheme of things .But you overlook  the like of  scumbags.....  like Jeff  Ellis ..

 A lot of other  lifegaurds  resigned ,.... so   mister  Ellis i hope you lose  your  business,.... and  end  up  homeless  for  being a  dick ...(usually cold heartless slugs thought uncaring business men like .....this always do good  becasue they only care about money ad no one else).......

maybe hallandale  can help out  mister  lopez ,.....  because in  all honestly,....... he is  a  real ambassador  for the human  race . And hope his endeavours in life  work ...maybe he  can own a food  bank and turn away Jeff Lewis  when he is  homeless.........

Lifeguards are necessary,............  because when people  go to the beach ,..... they seem to  drink dumb ass  fluid,..... and  become  idiotic lifeguards are  a  necessary part of  life in  Florida ...

And i do think baywatch,..... glamorized the  life guard industry ....... and  always loved it  because, who the hell  does not want to see a  women........ in  a  very  revealing Orange  bathing  suit......  carrying an over sized NFL football running   jiggling and  wiggling ....

for all of florida's  faults,  and  being a retarded  place...... it does offer  some positive aspects  ....( hery hot half naked beautiful  tanned women)......just every now and  again , you  get  douche bags , who prove they are nothing  more  than parasites  ..especially when they own a  business of  saving lives  ...this  bastard  deserves to  lose his licence

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  Pesronally  would it not have been easier  buying a  nice  second hand  yacht....... or  something  better than an old cruise ship  .........