Thursday, July 5, 2012

don.t get hookah's ......

Maybe i have too much time on my hands , but i got to thinking ,when you go to a hookah lounge......... they offer you  apple flavoured, and  various assortments of stuff for your hookah.Well if i am going to smoke anything through i pipe ...i do expect  one of the following consequences....

1,uncontrollable laughing at anything and anyone........

2.the ability to consume two packets of cereal(and a gallon of milk prefferably the full shite ).... without stopping, or a pizza ,and a  bowl of popcorn...

3.feeling hornier, than a  prepubescent school kid ,staring at his geography teachers legs...

4.lung cancer....

5.choking ,coughing ,wheezing ,gasping .

6.uncontrollable nicotine high ,and  intsant addiction........

7.unbelievable feeling of  being unable to arise from seat/sofa/couch/chair/........whatever you were sitting on before inhalation.....

But when you are  given a Mediterranean pipe know in those  countries bar/snicker flavoured additive ,was not in their  fricking pipe .....Those chaps have some serious hash ....

But as we  live in a  fearridden guilt induced ,holier than thoug inhabitants constantly ,..... condescending the use of  drugs ...( incidentally these  are the very people  that smoke the shit)....

You know the ones that usually scream the loudest, are the ones  that do it the most ...its a fact ...

I think its  funny,......  people  sitting smoking  this  crap ,which it really  is  truly shite ........ i mean what do  you get  from a  fricking Apple   high.......  granny smith  feeling do not look  cool  yes ,i know you sit there ,all  gangster ,but the owner of the club is  making  money or  your  pseudo cool  ass .....

If i am  going to smoke ...... (which i do not  indulge in because i like the  reality  way better )........i had  better  getting something   than a granny smith feeling  which would be truly  ungratifying......

I think most hookah lounges,..... are a pile of shit why spend money on smoking when you get  nothing in return may as well invest in the Bernie maddoff school of honesty....

Now in all fairness ,........i do realise the stupidity in smoking cigarettes  at least you can get cancer/lung transplants/emphysema/COPD ....

But at least you are a  burden on the health system ,and you have  completely destroyed your respiratory system, ........ because in all fairness you do not give a  fuck  primarily about yourself ,......and others around  including your kids  ...

 And you could have  done something else  with your  bad money habit ....and of course you  will die  in pain  ...

But at least you  got something from your cigarettes ...unlike a  hookah ....not a dam!!thing ,well maybe the taste of  apple/tangerine/licorice/or some exotic ineducable shite ...but in all fairness it was to make you look cool  right !!!!!!..................

1 comment:

hookah said...

loving your blog, keep it up, as always!


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......