Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Death penalty for penn state

I am all for the death of Penn state,the statue of Joe paterno should be ripped down,this guy(yes we know he is fricking dead) but he shielded a total bastard,)and the whole place should either be a wal-mart,or field,this place was a mafia of sport professionals ,and they hid the terrible atrocities of jerry sandursky.

There is never, or no excuse ,for grown ups/parents abandoning/abusing/neglecting/not taking care of children...

 These bastards at Penn state ,....covered up the rape and sexual abuse of a  coach because he was  a good coach.....this is unacceptable ,all Penn state employees at the top have to be hauled in .....

Jerry sandursky should get the death penalty...preferably, a slow one ...he ruined and mentally destroyed kids ,because he was in a position of power and hid behind the good old boys of sports .....

Joe paterno was  reveered, and he is dead ,but he was in on this so he is a molester, but got out in time.....maybe Jerry sandursky ,will do us all a  favour, and kill himself....... and then a lot of money and time can be saved on the fucker....then the goods and chattels can be sold off ..

All involved in this, deserve to lose all their money, and family  and the money be used to compensate /rehabilitate the victims of this horror ...

Penn state,...... should be nothing more than a word...... not a place


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