Saturday, June 2, 2012

Student loans the greatest scam ever ........

Student loans are the worse debt you can incur ....because you can't  get rid of them  much like your kids  you can't get rid of them

I have heard horror  stories ..and  students  tend to forget they get  caught up in the hype , much like the car salesman who does not give  a flying f*** if you can pay the loan back or not .....just sign the dotted  line...........

People tend no to see the meadow for the trees ,.......all student loans have to be paid back , bankruptcies..........congress  will not let that pass  ,probably because the guys  behind it are probably buddies with the senators who Will not approve it ...its business ......

Maybe students get caught up in the hype or sale or whatever ...but they come and go ,....... there will always...  be the man with....a  tan in a suit.......... with a smile   selling you dreams and promises of a great  future....."hey look at the great chef's how did they get there they joined  culinary school......or "look at howard stern he went to broadcasting school"........Howard stern  much like the great chef's ...yes they done their  time  but  it was  also a matter of connections or being in the right place you know the rest .......

You can have degrees up the ass........certificates ,but you need  to sell yourself ,.....also and have creativity and of course people must see a groove /something/different for you to stand out and be picked out ......

As the job market shrinks and the work place becomes more competitive ,you need more than just one skill you also need  to have  a big set of clangers and march right on in .....

I have heard of  so many young attorneys  graduate form college and cannot find  nothing more than a paralegal job which is really the attorneys  bitch ...its the person that does all the schlep work ....

Life is never fair ....especially when you are staring in the rat race ...and its  a biggie  just got to be a  bigger  rat and  a smarter  rat .....just watch out for the two legged ones with ....the suit....the smile ...selling you the dreams .........

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......