Sunday, June 17, 2012

Fathers day some places a height of confusion....

Well i like to take advantage of some days, and this is one of them ,....why you may ask,...well because i hate those sons of a bitches at hallmark,always ..they make cards for all sorts of  bollocks, and they pay people to write ,stupid shite mostly on the cards ...which in all honesty most kids could write....

The problem is hallmark, and that other company, greetings, or whatever ,actually pay some people to write shite on cards liners ,or a  fricking sentence .........and they get royalties, or some shit or other ....and you know, its an opulent ,/bored/unporkable housewife ,named marge ,(and has a 90lb husband who has  a woodshed and spends all his day building country wooden crap...),who lives in boyzi idaho....or shit kicker ,falls three crows junction ...or that large boring cheese place...wisconsin),  ..because no one  else could be that bored to write the folowing bollocks ,and you have all seen this shit .....

 ...similar to a  hallmark writing inside a  card .....

 on this special day we know they  think you died ,
but because the insurance pay out was huge .
u disappeared and the family cried .
but with this special card, that you bought to day ,
is fill with piles of joy
now that you can celebrate the insurance check is on its way........

and then they stick on a fluffy pink card with the picture of  an Angel and charge a shit load of cash .........

Anyways i do realise in some parts of  America ...where  kids are popped out like lottery tickets ...this would be a confusing day ....

You know , with the  drama and all defence there are some great  fathers, like john edwards......................Just kidding !!!!!!...or by the way  where is  kanye west 's dad , you never see  kanye  talk about  his  dad ..........i bet his  dad is hiding form his dumb ass !.........the reason ..maybe  is because , kanye wests  dad is scared. in case kanye west talks him into having plastic surgery......  just like his  momma ........

But hurrah.!!!!!! to the fathers , that are truly fathers, and do their  best,  ....and they realise, that it changes  life for ever  ...although some fathers, are tortured ,due to the fact  of  all the baby mama  dram that goes on .......

On the subject of baby mama  drama , its an absolute abuse of the child .....i know  when it comes to divorce , things go astray, and  the man and the woman do  realise they cannot be together ....but using the kids as a emotional crowbar ,to win/or get even /or money //is abuse in every way shape or form ......

The man helped create the child ,and should be allowed to see it ...(that's if he is stable, and  doing the right thing ,of course )  but  if the  man is  being bribed  by the child  through no  fault of his own this is  child abuse ....

So to all the overworked ,appreciated ,fathers who get gift (and cards !!!) ........  on this day you truly deserve a big hug, for your  kids ...And a prezzie from the wife !!!!!!(no excuse on fathers  day ,.........women !!!)

On a day like this  ,this is the time to realise ,that all you get at life with your kids is ........ one shot!  ...make its count/last/embellish the day ...

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......