Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Skydiver plans world record 120'000 feet from space

This summer Austrian sky dive Felix baumgarter  is going to sky dive 23 miles from space...

Ya got to love this guy he has clangers/nads /whatever they call them he has  them

To do this  Felix will have to breath pure oxygen for an hour  to remove nitrogen bubbles.......

He will stay there for 3 hours....allowing his body to adjust... then jump in a pressurized suit to stop his blood great elevation ...well this is one for the (bucket list)..... 

If ll goes well and he lives ....mister baumgartner Will be the first ever human being to  break the speed of sound  in a free fall jump..

I do wish this guy the very very very best .....all i can say is this will be a  hard act to follow  what will he do after this .....!

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