Thursday, May 31, 2012

AVN Awards 2012.....hysterical

First off....i am all for the AVN awards....but this is a  joke ...first of  there is no  difference between a porn star and a whore/hooker/trick/skank ...or whatever terminology you may want to use ......

Yes they call themselves  actresses  ....but their script for a porn star is really  really simple ......oohhh!!!!!! aaaaaahhhhhh!!!!! ....yeah!!!!.......OMG!!!!!!!  which  everyone uses....  (so annoying  in every reality show ...)...........

Its not like you need  any qualifications to screw/bang/hump/f**k in front of a  camera  ........its just normal .....the only difference between the whore and the porn star the size of the paycheck..they get ....

I have always been amazed at the fact that porn stars , really take themselves  seriously ......and they have an award  ceremony for it .......

They have categories for  fucking ...yes awards  for what we  are meant to  do for pleasure ........

But you will notice these  porn stars  have  very glamorous names ..(  suzy swallow...very creative,,,,,,amanda bang,,etc etc ......takes a lot of skill)...................maybe their agent  made up the name .....( let me stop and say if you are a  porn star and you have an a agent  to let someone fuck you  is this  not an agent it's called your pimp!!!! what else  could it be )....

You have to love?laugh/believe  they have  awards  for  best anal scene double anal scene blow job scene.... best gang group sex!!!! on and so forth .......

And the best thing is these broads ...who come on stage and say ......."first of all i would like to thank my manager company ... and god for letting me get accept this award for best sex scene "....

You have got to wonder in places prostitution is illegal but making a porn movie is not ..

The announcer steps up and said ......"i would like to  introduce the super talented  whatever  her name may be"........super talented at what swallowing/fucking/anal/is this a talent i thought all humans  done it ..........unless you live in some of these  ooober religious towns where we know its not the  thing they do ........

Now can you imagine how the kids of the porn stars   must feel when they get older  ...... their friends  say " dude  was that not your mum that  got double ass  banged  is that the trophy in the cabinet ......

I mean i am  as much as a pig as the next guy (i just admit it that's  all ........but these  girls  but they are  fucking stupid to think that they are actresses can that be when they all share on  brain cell ....)  

Its the difference  between a steakhouse, and hooters ......they will sell you  all types of steaks and wines  a complicated menu................however hooters will offer  you beer and wings(and of course fries )..this is the difference  between an actress and  porn star........

I think it is great that they do have awards  for whores .......i mean how could these  girls survive in the real world ......these girls realise what their parts are worth and can make money from it...

But do they not care about their kids  when they get older and maybe have a conscience ...i guess the money  must override the thought  of  when they have kids ..........

The world revolves around sex !!!!whether anyone wants to believe it or not but it all boils down to one thing

Well when the memories fade and they forget they can always show their awards !!!!


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ABOUT TIME ........

  Federal workers have had it way too easy  ......way too long  a.......nd  now  a new  boss is  coming ........oin to  kick some   federal ...