Friday, May 11, 2012

russian jet a test drive no thanks !!!!!!!!!!

This is  bad for business ,if you are in the business of selling jets ,you'd better hope that  unlike this it does not crash,i do not know about anyone  else  but being a jet salesman  must be worry some especially on test drives .........
Apparently this was  some  sort of super jet  being sold  to some top enchant  military dudes and such like ,but it disappeared and was found slammed into a  mountain....with all the people  dead.....
 Well here's  a thing if you are going for  a test drive in a jet and  it  does  take a  crap and slam a mountain ,you are  really not expecting  to see  anyone  walking along the  roads  tattered and  torn hitching a lift ....
I do think this  is  a bad example  for the Russian jet sales ,i mean who the hell wants  to  buy a russky jet,when its  first took a  test drive and crashed,its a bad omen ,how does one recover ,form such a bad sales pitch ....really....of course  maybe those suicide terrorists maybe be interested in a jet crashing ,after all is that not what they want .......?

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THE PRESIDENT .........GOAT ..........

  I watched the  state of  the union     address the  great  ....... one and  only....... donald  j trump   ..........  GOAT.......