Saturday, May 12, 2012

70 year old virgin ....ready........

This is a frickin beauty,a 70 year old virgin ready to give it  up....
well here is the thing ,no disrespect to 70 year old and no disrespect to virgins but .....what the F*** r u kidding me why was she holding out for  who mister right at 70...
Herein  lies the problem.....unless you are like Sophia Loren/Jane/Fonda/Suzanne Sommer's/Raquel Welsh or some of these Hollywood bints that are still porkable at 70......which this broad is  not...
.listen up...i like any other straight hot blooded rampant male  loves nothing better than the sight of  a naked  broad....married /single divorced ...if you are a  normal man who like the booyah/vag/birth canal/female reproductive organ..... and twins/can/jugs/headlights........
the sight of  a70 year old broad is not  going to cut it....unless you are high/slammed/drunk/wasted/tripping on (angel dust...PCP...)...stoned...unconscious.....and then the broad is  picky!!!!!! ....who the hell could do it sober ....never mind dealing with the mess of  a 70 broad ,whose vagaygay(named by the mentally retarded Oprah because she  thinks her  word is acceptable because she is  Oprah and she can make it all good )  probably ...baggy/saggy/loose.....and at 70 what bint has vag control unless you are Suzanne simmers or there about's .....
The only upside i can see to this  ,if this mentally retarded old broad who looks like a  dehydrated old luggage case...sells it to ...wet/vivid/Hefner/Ron know these  savvy businessmen who make money from women who do acts of kindness for men who like to watch that sort of thing.....
i know there  must be  a market it for it in japan....these buggers love sick least the poor  bastard that has to do it will get some sort of fame not sure if i want to be the person who is famous  for  banging ?plugging /poking./poking...and old dear...
 What the hell what if she get  too excited and..has an orgasm and croaks  midstream who the hell is going to  want to see that .....of course the Japanese......

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......