Friday, May 18, 2012

greeks taking their money out of their banks ..and why not ????

Greeks  are withdrawing money form their banks at record numbers.....why not ,who can trust banks anymore .they are all into dishonesty ,its not like they have  a great track record ....

In the news they say Italy and Spain may  do the same ....well i think most Europeans  should get a grip ..banks are not to be trusted at all ........i think the  bank of  mattress is a great  bank or......... the bank of  i have secret floorboards  is a great  bank................... or the bank of i have a  safe and an assault rifle in my house bank ...... may be  a  better  place  to keep  stuff.......

Banks are  run  by peoples  money why should people get the shaft all the times  .....look at the prick James diamond ...blew 2 billion (will probably end up being more the end )......when is the govt  going to help the people.....never and why ....

Why should your govt help you they have vested interest in the know the money men ....senators need  a place to party  on the yachts of execs.....

Listen up people keep enough money in the bank to pay  not let  banks have your money they do not care or give a  rats  ass  about your cash  they are dishonest....

I do hope  the Italians  and the Spanish take all their money out of the banks  this  will cause  a great  problem  for the  banking industry ................maybe once they realize the power  people  have  then they will treat them like such ..........

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