Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Ferrari driver kills 4 ...going too shock there

Vehicle Monitoring Camera Captures Rich Mainland Chinese Man Driving Ferrari in Singapore Crashing Into Taxi

At 4am in the early morning on the 12th, a speeding red Ferrari sports car ran the red light at an intersection in Singapore, crashing into a taxi. Apart from the Ferrari owner who died on the spot, the 52-year-old Singaporean taxi driver and a Japanese passenger who were in the taxi also died after been taken to the hospital.
United Evening News of Singapore says, the deceased was a 31-year-old Chinese man from Sichuan, who went to Singapore in 2008, engaged in finance and investment activities, and was in the process of applying for the right to permanent residency. The Straits Times says, the limited edition Ferrari driving by the perpetrator was worth more than 1.4 million US dollars.
AFP says, currently, there are over a million foreign workers and technical workers in Singapore, with Chinese taking up a great portion. After the incident, quite a few social groups have attacked the immigration policy of Singapore, saying that the current policy is making Singapore “become crowded and dangerous”. On the 14th, swarms of posts appeared on local Singaporean internet forums attacking Chinese expats, even calling them “rich locusts”.
From Sohu:
Rich Mainland Chinese Man Driving Ferrari in Singapore Causes Car Crash Killing 3

I am not a  speed freak or do i like going fast ..where the hell am i in a rush to get to the bagel shop....

Ferrari's are much like guns they are designed for one  thing....speed guns they are designed to kill.............

Just look at all the grand prix ,wins  mostly ferraris ,so when a  rich man/women buys a Ferrari's they are not  going to be driving it like  an old  lady the  way i  drive  ......

So Ferrari's are  made for driving i , i get the need  for speed  i just cannot be bothered shitting myself at 150 mph i do not need to go that  fast i do not see what i will achieve, i was  never  bitten by the speed  bug ....

Yes a  Ferrari is an investment, but you got to say the Italians  build cars that haul ass and  get the Job done ....

but here is a guy who is tanking along, and is tanking ....then piles into a taxi driver  kill 4 people ...well all i can say .that will be  an expensive day.....all around ....

When you buy a Ferrari  you may want to  take it  somewhere where you may not kill a  bunch of  people ...

If you can afford a Ferrari you can afford to take it somewhere , maybe like a salt  flat ...........or  fly it to the autobahn in Germany   there  you  can haul ass and if you want crash and kill yourself  no big deal.......

But zooming around the city/town in a high performance machine  that is designed  to be  raced is asking for trouble really ......

As i have  said and  will re-iterate again and again is apparently no measure of intelligence/savvy/intellect/depth/credibility......

Maybe it sends people in the opposite mode ....when you live in a  small place  like Singapore maybe you might not want to
drive  a Ferrari ....

This guy has got to have been an asshole in real life ...but hey will not be going to prison to be used  as a soap holder? ..he got off lightly ...well actually instantly ....i guess one thing you can take away from this  the guy went out........ in  style !!!!!!

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  Listen .........if the  republican had  been running  california.........  this would never  have  happened ......  all the  blame  lies o...