Thursday, May 17, 2012

Ex Mrs woods ...aka elin

Tiger woods wife ..elen nordegren.......well frst of all if i am going on a  date with a  hot babe  her last name to spell is a pain in the ass...maybe that's  why guys  cannot be  bothered ......

Really does anyone want tigers missus ...i mean she is blistering hot , but she must Be as  cold as ice  ...the new  boyfriend  was on his way out......

Maybe she was not polishing his  balls or cleaning his  club either  know  tiger is  a  great  golfer ,..... i have never watched  him play one solitary  game  but in the world of golfing .......iconic.

And here is the only reason i know  why ...because  after his  shenanigans with the  hot blonde,..... and  all the  crap that  went on  ....Nike sports  refused  to drop him because he made  too much money  you know  you are at the top of  the game  when Nike  refuses to can yous  ass/hide.......

Maybe her last name is  way too complicated  for anyone to spell she is  elin woods ,she maybe that is not classy  enough  ,....  does not have the same international james  bond appeal to know in the bond  movies all the women  have names  like anna slaetzvankinnobinnovinna  , and you cant  get that shit on a licence

It sucks  Russian licences  must be huge  a  broad called  krista ivankornvinistavinchenkomaninkanova ....what the hell you need to  go to   college  to learn to spell those intricate  james bond russky names ........i love those  tennis  broads  they are all  blonde and cute and  smart....but hey !!!!!!change your  fricking last name  for  gods  sake ..........

When a guy is  dating a  soviet/Ukrainian/Moldovan/eastern bloc  chick ........and goes home to see his  parents ...spelling the fricking last name is  a ...pain....can you imagine  "hey mum,hey dad  meet my new Russian babe... krista ivankornvinistavinchenkomaninkanova...
but you can just call her krista ....who the hell would want to  know the middle  name  ....

.must be a  fricking nightmare being a cop in Russia and you pull over  a drunk Russian  broad  holy shit ....bad enough sober !!!!!..... 

Well bad enough being tigers ex getting seconds...whats left after tiger ...really i mean he will move on to new fresh hookers the way his choice in hookers (strange!!!!) man if you are a  billionaire  ....... you got to  do better than your wife )  because if you are gonna get caught  man that's an expensive  lay ......

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ABOUT TIME ........

  Federal workers have had it way too easy  ......way too long  a.......nd  now  a new  boss is  coming ........oin to  kick some   federal ...