Thursday, May 17, 2012

alligator bites clever

We now know the name of the scientist who was bitten by an alligator Tuesday night in Cateret County.
The North Carolina Aquarium says Dr. Fred Boyce is a herpetologist, an expert in reptiles.
Boyce was called in to help remove an alligator from a Carteret County neighborhood ended up being bitten on the arm by the reptile..........

I don't know about you  but , as far as i  know  alligators are not my friend ........

What university did he get a degree from job pays me  enough to go  within  any distance  from an alligator did this  numb nuts  know  it was  bad bit him ....what the hell was the guy  smoking 

The fact that the guy was  a biologist you would have thought he might have known  a  gator  was  not a   social butterfly 

The gator attacked his  dumb  ass i think he  gets  what he  deserved the fact that he  was a herpetologist and expert in reptiles you would think he would have had   an inkling that the gator may not be in a  good mood...people never cease to amaze me maybe this guy was  trying to get attention ....there are other  ways

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......