Sunday, April 29, 2012

Impractical implements in the house .....

I have written about this subject  many times in many different  forums ,chats  etc  ,about the  things people  buy and  put them  in their  house  for show 

I am talking about  items in bedroom ,bathrooms and dining room tables all over  America 

listen up ,we all know  guys in general  unless, your carter oysterhouse or whatever  or some designer dude ..or a  Rachel ray  follower who incidentally is  annoying like doctor Phil because she /he is  an Oprah bitch !!!...which means he/she is under the harpo production which we all know is Oprah spelt backwards and her  channel is  chunkin badly so she probably need  them to keep her  above a billionaire hoo sob ......

anyways back to the items in question regarding firstly the bathroom there is nothing more annoying in a bathroom  to have  towels  that cannot be  used  mere  decorations  and here is why its  annoying ......its taking up precious towel rack space  that could be used  for  a functional towel ......

we all know  women do their  house  up  so their  friends can admire it ,because  guys  do not give a rats  ass  and you can say all you want  need basics  like a lazy boy ......large screen  stainless steel walls and a massive  waste  disposal in the middle of  the room so he can just shove the beer and  pizza and  wings into it without moving an inch ......

listen the day a  company  comes up with a lazy boy with a built in shitter to the waste  disposal   it will be the end to  house  furnishing  

lets face it men will still have the same bed  they porked/banged and puked in  since college  because we  see a  bed as a long term investment with built in character  a  man we  can sleep anywhere .......

and  sofas  we  can still have the  same  sofa  as  we  watched  miami vice in in the 80's  as  guys see it when  furniture get worn it attains  character  like the old  college  van

 Designers gag and  die  at this  very  practice  like a pair of  jeans  man can keep  jeans  until they split....designer  cause all the problem they  fill a  women head with nonsense  and mostly its an  effeminate job where  most  men  who are into  the rough parts  of  life  do not venture  ..

Venus Williams turned tennis pro  turned  designer ....

Cindy Crawford turned model turned designer 

mike Tyson turned boxer  turned actor  turned  psycho....hard to imagine mike Tyson talking about a cherry side board with strawberry satin sheets  not gonna  happens ...

listen it does not make sense  why  those  towels are not functional 
 do women go to other women's bathroom sit there  taking a dump/pee whatever and  feel  rub and  put the towels in their face and wonder....... i  wonder where she  got those  towels   j.c.Penney's ,nordstroms  wal-mart towel kingdom  bed bath and beyond   ..hell no    i bet you no chance  because when your in the middle gear of  crapping    wondering where  towels come from is  not a priority 

its madness  no one in their  right mind  goes to a  bathroom  and  site  there   examining towels if you do  you need to get a life  for  sure .....

second madness  of all  is   why do  you need  207  pillows on a bed  then   take them off  and put them  (a) the floor   B  a  special  chest just for the pillows at  night  if you went a purchased  a chest  just  for this practice  the  your  are truly a deranged  broad  and so is your  husband  for  letting you .......

this  is total insanity  who the hell  comes  to your  house  and talks  and  say  hey  debs   lets go to your  bedroom and check out the pillows  you bought i am  so in need  of  207 pillows  for  my  bed    and  the  crazy part is they are so  expensive .....then you say lets  go look   no no one  its  a  way of  eventually leading the girlfriend into the house  showing all your  shit them  eventually the  bedroom and the only thing a  guy cares  about those  pillows  is  banging you in amongst  them   a  fact    only a real man  would admit to that  one   

and last and finally  the  ones  who set dinner  tables  there is  no instant guest  this is another  insane practice by women  guys    want to eat  and write  shit on a table its what a  table  for   why have  it all set   no one  is  coming like  Kate   the  duchess of Cambridge or whatever    there is  always plenty of time  to set a  table .....this  is designers  way of making shit  load of  cash   ...listen  designers  make  money from nothing  they  basically pump ideas  inn to a women's  head  for the sole purpose of  spending  lots of cash  practicality is  never a  designers  first   point  of  importance its  spending the husbands  loot and  because all women  like to show of to all other women   its  all about  who can have the best  stuff .....its a fact  

women do not dress  for men they dress  so that  other  women  Will make them feel good   men  only care  about  when you wear  your  heels in bed  with Fredrick's of  Hollywood ....gods bless  Friedrick   

a house  is a place  to be enjoyed  no show  what your friends  don't have  practical  but i guess as long as  there are designers and women who have the need  to  show off their  goodies  and  there  is cash  this practice  will only  get worse  

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......