Sunday, January 12, 2025



Listen .........if the  republican had  been running  california.........  this would never  have  happened ......  all the  blame  lies on newson....... and  harris........  ....california ....... is  now a servile filthy...... low life   bunghole ......  since the democrats  took it over ........ they destroy everything they touch  .......Florida is  republican  run  .........we  do not  have  trouble like  california  ..........gavin newson is a   complete and  utter  useless   basatrd .....simple !!!!!!  they are  all  thieving.....  gereedy......  lazy......  bastards  ....  ripping of  states   ........democcrats  are  simply   destructive  bastards .....  he should be  held  accountable....... and  raped in jail .....ever  single  day .......that is  all i have  to say .......look at all the places  run by  democrats.......  new  york  ........ shithole  ........well hopefully a  real president  will put  this all back together   .......  take  time  and  jail  all these   cunts  

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I LIKE TAYLOR BUT ,.........

  Listen .......i think taylor  swift talented......  smart ....... and  of  course ......  very ....... very.........  and i mean.............