Thursday, January 2, 2025



You fucking idiots  ......that voted for this  gutless .......  spineless ........  servile ........ uselss......  mumbling.......... old  bastard  ......should hang your  head  in shame .......... or  ........  go hang yourself  .......  for   being a  traitor  to america  ......  you   are    disgusting  ....... my ex-wife ....... was one of t hem  .......  weak .......and  no   brains  ....... but  she  was a  fucking useless   hillbilly .........for arkansas ......this guy biden is  a  fucking peivce of   shit  ctholic  hypocrite   how  you voted  for him  i will never  know .........ididots  !!!!!............

Biden betrayed constitution by giving clemency to Columbus cop killer, 36 others | Opinion

Mark R. Weaver is a central Ohio attorney, special prosecutor and crisis communications expert.

The Constitution isn’t a list of suggestions scribbled on parchment — it’s the foundation of all law. With his Christmas week commutation of murderers on federal death row — the robber who gunned down a Columbus police officer included —, President Joe Biden has violated this national charter.

While Biden does have power to grant clemency, his transgression is of a wider scale: it undermines the constitutional separation of powers.

Article I of the Constitution gives Congress sole province to set policy.

Imbued by that authority, federal lawmakers determined that execution is an appropriate punishment for certain heinous crimes, including terrorism, espionage and mass murder. By effectively emptying federal death row, Biden functionally invalidated this legislative decision, substituting his dubious judgment for that of policymakers.

Biden used a blunt tool to nullify an entire section of federal law

President Joe Biden, seen on Dec. 16, commuted the sentences of 37 inmates on federal death row on Monday, including five men in Texas.
President Joe Biden, seen on Dec. 16, commuted the sentences of 37 inmates on federal death row on Monday, including five men in Texas.

His breach mirrors the destructive impact of rogue prosecutors who selectively refuse to enforce certain laws like shoplifting. This fundamentally disrupts the delicate balance between the branches of government and diminishes the primacy of elected legislators.

Biden’s shrinking band of defenders may argue that the president’s clemency power is absolute. While broad, this authority must be exercised judiciously to correct miscarriages of justice — not as a blunt tool to nullify an entire section of federal law. History supports this view: presidents have traditionally granted clemency on a case-by-case basis, ensuring their actions align with congressional intentions and the will of the people.

Misuse of power has happened in Ohio

And — like so many of those whose sentences he commuted — Biden is a repeat offender. I’ve made the case for how Biden has previously misused his clemency power.

Sadly, we’ve seen similar abuses of power surrounding capital punishment before.

In the 1990s, as he was leaving office, Ohio Gov. Dick Celeste recklessly granted clemency to many of the most dangerous killers and violent felons in Ohio’s prisons.

Later, Celeste admitted he made his decision, “not because they were necessarily innocent, actually. I knew several of them weren’t.” Even Celeste’s Democratic ally, Ohio Attorney General Lee Fisher, determined that Celeste had acted illegally.

The governor of New Mexico took similar actions, drawing severe criticism. Then, the disgraced and convicted George Ryan, Governor of Illinois did the same in 2003.

The conspiracy to stymie the enforcement of the death penalty

Years later, when I was deputy attorney general of Ohio, my colleagues and I had to confront the aftermath of the legal chaos created by undoing the work of judges and juries.

Led by Attorney General Betty Montgomery, we discovered there was a tacit conspiracy among some judges and other legal players to game the system and stymie the enforcement of the death penalty in Ohio by unnecessarily delaying appeals.

This led to our team using the disinfecting power of sunshine to draw public attention to these instances of judicial malfeasance. We published a report revealing how death penalty appeals were stalled for reasons far beyond the purported innocence of the killers or the permitted uses of the appeals process. Ohio lawmakers advanced our idea and mandated the report to be issued annually.

I’ve worked on and prosecuted death penalty cases, including helping to send a notorious Ohio serial killer to death row.

Biden's clueless actions helped the truly heinous

Police officers line State St. outside Grant Hospital to pay a tribute to officer Bryan Hurst who was killed in a robbery attempt. The body of the officer was being removed from the hospital. ( Dispatch photo by Eric Albrecht) Eric Albrecht

Here’s what I’ve learned: most surviving family members crave the closure and accountability of seeing their loved one’s killer receive the punishment our justice system ordered. When feckless politicians intercede to rob them of that outcome, everyone should be concerned.

From the archives: Ashland County jury finds Shawn Grate guilty of murder, kidnapping

This is the central problem with Biden’s actions.

The beneficiaries of his clueless clemency are the most heinous criminals in the nation.

Many of these murderers who deserve execution will now go unpunished in the way the original judge or jury decided was most appropriate. Here in central Ohio, family and friends grieve over Biden’s clemency to the murderer of Columbus police officer Bryan Hurst, slain while protecting a local bank.

This cruel Christmas coal stocking that the president left for victim families is even more perplexing considering his previous record on capital punishment.

Bryan Hurst, Columbus Police officer killing during a bank robbery.
Bryan Hurst, Columbus Police officer killing during a bank robbery.

In the Senate, Biden bragged about his work to make federal crimes death penalty eligible for “everything but jaywalking.”

Although the Pope may have prompted Biden, this is, at best, ersatz mercy.

Choosing among killers and excluding those whose cases had the most press coverage appears to be more a political exercise than a spiritual one.

Ray Grogan: I’ve seen evil inflicted on the innocent with no remorse. Vilest killers must be killed.

Such abuses of power would normally be addressed via impeachment or defeat at the next reelection but Biden, stumbling from office with little of his integrity, dignity or even sentience intact, will not face either penalty.

Joe Biden’s clemency action didn’t show compassion; it showed contempt — for the law, for Congress and for the victims whose cries for justice now echo unanswered.

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