Monday, January 13, 2025

He always palys a wanker ,,,,,,,


This guy always  plays a  wanker  ...... in all his movies  ........ he  played  a fucking weak bastard the  fockers   series guy would let any man   speak to  him   .........especially when you  are  banging a guys  daughter    stand  up   to the man .........  not  let him bully you .......that's    the  game  baby !!!!!!!   a father  knows  you are  fucking his   daughter ........ if  he does not   then he is  fucking stupid as  fuck are  going to marry  her  ......for  fucks   sake   what year  are you living in   for  fucks   sake .........

Ben Stiller Once Saw an Article Urging Hollywood to ‘Stop Putting Ben Stiller in Comedies,’ Left ‘SNL’ After Four Episodes Because ‘I Got Too Nervous’

Ben Stiller was the latest guest on The New York Times’ “The Interview” podcast and admitted that he still doesn’t understand why he became such a popular comedy movie star in the late 1990s and 2000s. His self-directed work in 1996’s “The Cable Guy” was followed by the one-two punch of 1999’s “There’s Something About Mary” and 2000’s “Meet the Parents,” both of which grossed more than $330 million at the worldwide box office and turned Stiller into a blockbuster actor.

“I remember opening up the L.A. Times and there was this writer who wrote a letter: ‘Dear God, stop putting Ben Stiller in comedies,'” Stiller said about this period of his career. “I was just like, I don’t know, I’m here, I love doing what I do. But it’s only in retrospect that I can go, ‘Wow, there was a thing happening that I was fortunate to be a part of.’ But I don’t know what the zeitgeist was. You can look at 2000s comedies, and they were a specific kind of thing, a tone, and there were a lot of great things in those comedies that we don’t have now. I don’t know if you could recreate that.”

More from Variety

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I LIKE TAYLOR BUT ,.........

  Listen .......i think taylor  swift talented......  smart ....... and  of  course ......  very ....... very.........  and i mean.............