Wednesday, January 1, 2025

2025 ........


Well we made it ........   2025........fresh start   with a new  man in the  house .......   a  new  daddy ......  taking over  america.......( a business not  a  country )........  that is  right  !!!!!...the man !!!! .....the  myth!!!!! ......the  legend!!!! ......baba yega...... .......DONDA .J.TRUMP .......G.O.A.T........this man took a  bullet and  2  assisination  attempts  more  than  any president  ever  .......and   still bleeding  and   pumped   his  fist  ......a real man .......unlike   his  predecessor ......a nut less...... spineless ......  sackless ....... pandering  ......servile......  repugnant......   good  for nothing  .......mumbling stumbling........  bag of  piss ......joe "corn pop"  ...."hair plugs "   biden revoir  you  piece of  shit  ........

donald has done   what  no other  presdient  has  done  and   had   attempts on his life  ...if that is not a real man ......the worst that happened  to biden is  the  cunt fell of  his bike .......and no  more    cackling  form  that whore   kamal .....uselss .....flaps ........

so   ........ 2025 should be  exciting........ i will be  coming an  american  citizen  the  real  president  is  TCB (taking  care of  business)  elvis  would say ..........

thank you  for    reading  my rants /raves /insults/bios/facts /etc...etc..........if you feel you have something you want to get  off  your  chest...... please  feel  free to send it   to  internationalhippie@gmail ..........i will  cut it and  psate it.......  exactly as you  sent it ..........just no illegal shit ....please........    naked  pics  or  your  wife   .....girlfriend ......  sister.....  mother......step sister.....step mother......cousin ..(female of course).....aunty.....aunties friend .....mother's friend ......grandma ........if  GILF......your wifes friend ...........your female boss .......just kidding i !!!!! .........HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  Well i personally think the surper nowls are  getting shittier and  shittier    they are  running out of     ideas   .....for ads  ......a...