Wednesday, December 4, 2024



Once again  todd's weekly newsletter  ....i had the   great privilege   .......   to spend  thanksgiving with  food........ and   merlyn in their  happy  wonderful   cute  home is  a   yearly  thing........ and   they make .......  and  take   all day to prepare ......a  wonderful cheerful day  ......with  merlyns   effervescent  happiness .......and  the warmth is  great  .......i look  forward to it !!!!! ......i am  very truly blessed .......  to have  such  amazing   wonderful  friends  ..... ...thank you so much !!!!!........  todd and  merlyn .........  for  your   kindness  and friendship ............and look at  this ........... no swearing in this  blog .....but i will unleash on the  next one is   todd's wonderful...... spiritual  message  for  all ..........

12/04/2024 Your Fun and Inspiration Weekly Newsletter


Todd Puntolillo Writer, Author, Artist 

10:05 AM (7 hours ago)
to me

Calm down, breathe deep, exhale and let all the tension go.

Autumn is in the air--Everywhere!

Believe it or not, Steve took this photo at Radio City, NYC...

not in the woods.

Nature shows what the Great Creator can Conceive and Create.

Amazing color and design!

Oooo, that's nice! OK now, a little to the right...

As you can see, Christmas lights even in the depths of the ocean!

At first it appears to be large, then you realize it is tiny!

Tiny Angel bringing Holiday Cheer

Into the Forest and/or wherever it is needed!

Wise men? Well...nobody's perfect!

Todd Puntolillo | 1501 Cayman Way K4 | Coconut Creek, FL 33066 US

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I LIKE TAYLOR BUT ,.........

  Listen .......i think taylor  swift talented......  smart ....... and  of  course ......  very ....... very.........  and i mean.............