Sunday, December 15, 2024



Listen........ everything starts  with a  choice ....... and  eventually  leads into  an  addiction one  holds a gun to your  head !!!!!....... and  tells you to drink is  your    choice ......  just like   drugs was   your  choice take  drugs....... and  eventually........ they become more  powerful......  and  they  take  control .........usually....... the  basis  of  all addiction's....... is  self  loathing /hatred /worth...and trauma  too....but that is  in the  form of  escapism   ........ and  usually loathe  who you are .......  .so in order  to   avoid  you personal self  confrontation......... it is  escape ......simple ...... not hard to  figure out......... at all ..... then....... it   becomes  a habit  ......yes........ you can escape ....... but  you  have  to come  back to reality ....... every single  time .........  and   as  they  say........... (who the  fuck are they ?.....) well you know  what they  say .........reality is  for  people  who cannot handle  drugs.......... and  drugs are  for  people ....... who  cannot handle  reality   ........simple  simple  dolly dimple .........   you have  to  break the  cycle  ......  no one   promised    you....... life was  fluffy pillows....... and  never  ending   cups  of    home  made   lemonade  .......nope !!!!! life is .......   either  hell on earth  .........  or   heaven on  earth  .......  make  your   .......choose wisely .......not   everyone  gets that   choice !!!!!! .....and....... the   sad  thing about  addiction is ...... someone a  wheelchair  ..........would give   everything ......  for the  chance that you get  every day........ and  you    do not  care..... is  precious  my friends   ...... getting the  chance  to wake  up one  more   day......... .......there is no price   to that    


I’m worried sick my alcoholic son will drink himself to death

READ Dear Deidre Editor Sally Land's personal replies to today's problems.

DEAR DEIDRE: I’VE lost my son to alcoholism and I’m worried sick he’s going to drink himself to death.

All I want is to help him, but no matter what I do or how hard I try, he’s not interested.

I’m 56, and my son is 32. He’s had a problematic relationship with alcohol for years, but it’s got progressively worse since his girlfriend broke up with him and he lost his job.

I think a part of him gave up and started to believe he had nothing left to live for.

Now he drinks from the moment he wakes up and is out for the count by midday. If he’s not ringing me up to rant down the phone, I’m getting phone calls from the local pubs to go and retrieve him.

On many occasions, my wife and I have tried to step in and get him professional help, but he gets so angry, we haven’t had any success. 


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I LIKE TAYLOR BUT ,.........

  Listen .......i think taylor  swift talented......  smart ....... and  of  course ......  very ....... very.........  and i mean.............