Tuesday, December 31, 2024

bye bye ......2024.......


Well .......au revoir/auf wheiderhsen/goodbye /ta ta/see ya/chow/good riddance/TTFN/......etc etc  .....2024......and welcome  2025 .....with a new  boss    a new  beginning .........a real man  with balls  who took a bullet for   all of  us  america  ........good riddance........  to that  stupid /mumbling/stumbling/gutless/nutless/pandering/spineless/useless /no good / lying  old  idiotic /servile /repugnant/disgusting old  naunce  ........ biden   a   sick  looking  bastard  !!!!!!...... ...he did nothing  but lie.........  to a  bunch of  low level.....  uneducated ......  dimwitted ......  democratic ........   fuckwits ......you all know....... he  fucked  up.......and  were  too stupid  to admit  it  ........but then you really cannot expect much from a  democrat ......  except  complete and  utter  stupidity  on an epic level .........

I personally think it will be a   great year .......hopefully we  can get  back on track ....no more   cackling  from  that stupid  rambling   whore   kamala !!!!! ........coconuts .!!!!!!.....she is  about as much  as  much use as a pig in a mosque .......

I wish everyone a  happy new year ........and thank you all so so much .......  for  enjoying  or  being enraged ........ by my   septic ......... and  caustic    character  assassination's ...........do not  worry....... i will not  falter  ....if i have not insulted you .... yet ........ or  made  your  blood  boil .......stick around i will get to you i promise .........

                                         HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!...

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  Well i personally think the surper nowls are  getting shittier and  shittier    they are  running out of     ideas   .....for ads  ......a...