Listen......... as you may already well know !!!!!! ....i hate beliefs /cultures /paths/religions/all that brainwashing uneducated ...... servile ........ repugnant .....weak gutless followers these uneducated ignorant bastards ...below ....believing........ there is some god ........ going to save their useless ........ dumb ....... ignorant...... arse ........all your praying and scrifing and blood letting and following people are just really thick skulled mother fuckers ..........all you have is right now all the praying you are doing ain't worth shit .......but as always ......... it is ususally .......... 3 rd world ..... dumb...... uneducated .......spear chuckers ........look at the stupid basatrd mayans all that higher ending knowledge and stuff where the fuck is the mayans .gone..... gone ....... gone ........ as johnny mathis would say !!!!!!! all their indian shit ........did not do them much good ......worshipping suns and spilling blood ...honestly i hate ignorance on every level ........just be happy enjoy the moment ........look at these pillocks below ........and all these high priestesses....... and pastors....... and such like ........are just narcissistic phoney weak bastards preying on weak cunts .........
Rats, pigeons and water buffaloes massacred in world’s largest animal sacrifice
Blood oozed across the dry, dusty earth as the high priest of Gadhimai raised his traditional khukuri knife and beheaded the five animals before him, triggering a frenzy of killing in the early hours of a foggy Sunday morning.
Hundreds of butchers with their blunt metal swords were soon cutting the necks of the agitated, crying animals – from rats and pigeons to goats and water buffaloes – in a religious ritual watched by both adults and children. Before long, rivers of red ran through the Hindu temple’s grounds, while people carried away the creatures’ heads, ten to a sack.
Dubbed the “world’s bloodiest festival”, it is estimated that well over 200,000 animals were sacrificed on Sunday and Monday as devotees marked the Gadhimai festival in Bariyarpur, a small town 10 miles north of Nepal’s border with India.
Held every five years, the sacrifice is the culmination of a month-long celebration to honour the Hindu goddess Gadhimai in return for prosperity.
“This temple is recognised as the largest animal sacrifice site in the world… [and] I am the eleventh generation continuing the tradition,” Shiva Chaudhari, the high priest, told the Telegraph. “This is a matter of our tradition and culture, and everyone should respect it. There is no question of stopping it.”
But there is a growing stand off between the devotees who consider the ritual an untouchable cornerstone of their religion, and the animal welfare activists at home and internationally who decry the event as cruel and unnecessary – including the French actress Brigitte Bardot and Britain’s Joanna Lumley.
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