Sunday, September 8, 2024

JUST SO YOU KNOW ..........................


Every now and  then........ i like to post the reason behind  my website .........well  it is  like a  journal of  my life.....kind of ........ thoughts....... rants .......raves...... insults .........and  anything i  can  cram into my mind i like to add my  as theys ay in america .....'my 2 cents ".......however i do not  make  money from this place  i just post s hit as  they would say  that   maybe somone   might have  a better  day........ and  get a  kind of  laugh  .........make them  feel better in this planet.......  or  rat race ......or  their  miserable ..... wife ..... life ...... kids  ...... and jobs  ......i always wonder   how poeple  fuck up their   existence and  become  miserable is  not t hat  hard  does not come   with a  500 page  manual .........the sign of  success  is  not  the  big house  .......the  big  car .......all the trimmings   .....success is   to me,,,,,,deemed  upon  getting to  do what you  want  ...when you want ......without fear of  ramifications .........i  just  witnessed this year the price of   as they call success .....where i worked .........not all that glitters is  gold boss killed  himself and  the  COO......and they looked like they had the  perfect life !!!!!! ........that was a  bitter  pill to swallow  .........and indeed.........  a wake up call  to  how  life  looks.........  and  sometimes   it is'nt   as  glamorous  as  everything seems .......anyways  www.internationalhippie  is   just a place .......for fun/blogging/facts/info/insults/pics/women in bikinis/hotties/hard fact......and whatever   we  can dig up find  and   whatever  seems  offensive .......and of course as i always  say  ........if you have something you want to get off your chest/coness  or  just  general    foolery  .....please  feel free send it  to we will cut it ........and  paste  it ........ exactly as you  send it..  kidding  ........ please  keep it legal of  course  ......we cannot   post  woman  being dp  by  two horses ........  no siree   bob  ....that is  just an example of  course ..........please enjoy your time here  i  hope it males  your  existence  day   much better  ........

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I LIKE TAYLOR BUT ,.........

  Listen .......i think taylor  swift talented......  smart ....... and  of  course ......  very ....... very.........  and i mean.............