Wednesday, September 11, 2024

I DO NOT UNDERSTAND .....................


Maybe it is  just me  .....but i will never  understand.........  all these  people.........  who have  house of   banks /woods/clifftops/unstable land /near  places  that  will  fuck it  up ........not  sure .......   then they say i will wait till if  falls in the  river  ........i am not  sure  ........if  it is  too much money  ....but at some point you have  to  know  your  house  is  in a   bad place a cliff top ........when you can walk onto the  beach know  that is  only a matter of  time  ........ before  the  big puddle  takes that   fucker over.....low lying lands  ....floods   and you   know it is  a flood   zone   i have  seen this  with my own pork pies/eyes .....where i live  .........people  got  fucked   proper  fucked !!!!!!!  ........they  know   but hey i am  just  saying  i  could not live ........ or  own a place  ........  that  flood........  sinks ........   same  with  condos  ....... .th poor   bastards  at champlain  knew  their   days  were  coming ........but money  prevailed...........  and  death ensued ........  it  should  have been a  warning  ........ but   people  forget time  moves  on a   so  well   another  day ...........


My house is falling off a cliff but I WON’T move out – flimsy wooden planks are the only thing keeping it upright

Ongoing landslides have led to the closure of a major road in the town

AN elderly woman is refusing to budge from her precarious clifftop home that's being held up by flimsy wooden planks.

Marian Walters, 80, who has called Priory Gardens in Folkestone home for the past 48 years, is standing her ground as her property dangles above a landslide-stricken slope.

The route was hit by two landslides in two months earlier this year
The route was hit by two landslides in two months earlier this year
A defiant pensioner has refused to move despite her house being held up by flimsy planks of wood
A defiant pensioner has refused to move despite her house being held up by flimsy planks of wood
Marian Walters, 80, lives above the Road of Remembrance in Folkestone, Kent
Marian Walters, 80, lives above the Road of Remembrance in Folkestone, Kent

The chaos started in January, when trees and debris began to tumble down the cliff.

Since then her home has been clinging on for dear life with nothing but flimsy wooden planks and 14-foot pilings to keep it from falling.

Marian told Kent Online: “I’m not going anywhere.

"I'm on a floating platform and I've got 14-foot pilings at the back of my drive, so even if the land did slip I would be okay.

"I am very happy here and I won't be moving for anyone. I have been made to feel safe."

Marian's defiance comes despite the Road of Remembrance being closed since January due to ongoing landslides, with a second slip hitting in February.


Kent County Council has been scrambling to address the issue, and are working on ground investigation tests to prevent future collapses.

They have confirmed the road won’t be reopening anytime soon.

KCC is currently in the midst of extensive investigations.

Their investigations include removing trees and vegetation to assess the embankment, installing borehole sampling pits, and conducting critical testing to ensure the stability of the area.

This testing phase, expected to last three weeks, aims to ensure that such landslides won’t be a problem for another 120 years but until then, the Road of Remembrance remains shut.

For some locals, the road closure is more than just an inconvenience - it's a daily nightmare.

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I LIKE TAYLOR BUT ,.........

  Listen .......i think taylor  swift talented......  smart ....... and  of  course ......  very ....... very.........  and i mean.............