Sunday, August 11, 2024

SIGNS...... EVERYTHWERE ........


Enjoy them or not  ........i did 

Forgive Me, I'm Still Laughing At The 19 Funniest Signs Of The Week

2 min read

Another week, another enjoyable crop of signs courtesy of r/funnysigns. Enjoy!!!

1."Free wifi."

Sign offering free WiFi with a math equation to solve for the password: integral from -2 to 2 of (x^3 cos(x/2) + 1/2√(4-x^2)) dx
u/Fine-Delivery-8358 / Via

2."I've been called many things in my life, but never that."

Sign on store door reads: "PLEASE REMEMBER YOUR SHOPPING BAGS"
u/StrollMomLuxe / Via

3."I wonder if they put that in the will."

A sign reads, "At my funeral take the bouquet off my coffin and throw it into the crowd to see who is next." It is placed on a stack of books with decorations around
u/Melodic_Abalone_2820 / Via

4."I need help with the meaning of this sign."

A person's hand holds a packet labeled "Keep your hands clean and your mind dirty" with "Refreshing towel" written below
u/precioushoneylet / Via

5."Agree on this."

Chalkboard sign on a sidewalk reads, "According to science alcohol is a solution."
u/DaisyStrollerMom / Via

6."How do you say the street name?"

Street sign for 21th St in a residential area, showing an example of a typographical error; the correct form is "21st St."
u/TeachMeImWilling69 / Via

7."You should screen for cancer."

Billboard showing a Game Boy with the message: "IF YOU'VE PLAYED ON THIS SCREEN IT MAY BE TIME TO SCREEN FOR CANCER" and the Prevent Cancer Foundation logo
u/POGO_BOY38 / Via

8."Say no more, fam."

A chalkboard sign reads, "Pizza alone won't fill the emptiness of your soul. You'll also need beer."
u/Latina_In_Wonderland / Via

9."Wait, whattttt?"

Sale sign at Whole Foods with a pricing error listing "Boneless Skinless Children's Thighs" instead of "Chicken Thighs" for $2.59 per pound
u/Andyyoinkyy / Via

10."How many times has this happened?"

Sign on a wall reads: "Attention, please make sure elevator is there before stepping in." Below, a small sign says: "In case of fire, elevators are out of service."
u/Foukar / Via

11."You're welcome."

A sign reads "Thank you for not smoking," but is ironically covered in cigarette burns
u/SurfanZ / Via

12."Not that it would matter."

A sign reading: "Safety in Polar Bear Country. If a polar bear attacks, you must fight back." Contains logos of Manitoba and other organizations
u/SameConstruction2 / Via

13."Give me 10 of those."

Pricing label showing "Retail Price $2.98 Orgasmic Blueberries" with a typo where "organic" is misspelled as "orgasmic."
u/drainingurbank / Via

14."Google Maps likes to take me on the twistiest possible roads."

Two signs: "Google is wrong" in large letters on top and a U-turn symbol on the bottom. The signs are mounted on a wooden fence
u/JaneCutesy / Via

15."I can already hear the review coming in."

A chalkboard sign outside a café humorously says, "Come in and try the worst coffee one woman on TripAdvisor had in her life."
u/Abject_Web_1501 / Via

16."Can your dog do this?"

A humorous sign showing a dog using a broom and dustpan to clean up after itself, with the text: "Unless your dog can do this... Please be responsible and clean up after them"
u/Pawggirlll / Via

17."Should I slip the money in their...uniform?"

A sign reads, "Support your local pole dancer! It's not about the money, it's about keeping you turned on!" with a silhouette of a person climbing a pole
u/JaneCutesy / Via

18."Try to hide."

Warning sign displaying two stick figures; one holding a lit video camera above the other, who is throwing their hands up. Text reads: "YOU ARE BEING MONITORED."
u/softsweetlady / Via

19."This mildly threatening sign in a supermarket."

A checkout counter at a store with a sign that reads "you're next." Nearby are flower bouquets and chocolate cookies
u/Leather_Car_2014 / Via

Don't miss last week's funniest signs:

19 Signs From The Past Week Th

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I LIKE TAYLOR BUT ,.........

  Listen .......i think taylor  swift talented......  smart ....... and  of  course ......  very ....... very.........  and i mean.............