All you wanted to know about your favorite satanical fucked up ..,,,,...illuminati sold .......owned famous know they are owned and operated .......... via satan !!!!!! .....if you don't you're fucking putz!!!! ...........hollyweird baby !!!!! hollyweird.!!!!!............they are all in it together........ ......they have no choice......... they have to be .....
Celebrities’ Ex-Staff Members Share Weird Behaviors They Have Behind Closed Doors
Megan Fox
Of course, not all celebrity revelations are actually that weird. Some of them are quite respectable, as this rumor about Megan Fox shows. Clearly, some celebrities can be pretty good parents! However, contrary to many people’s initial thoughts, it’s not just rich people who have maids – some figures say a third of families do.

According to Zippa, around 84.8% of maids are women, with most of them being approximately 47 years old. Despite this, maids have an 80% chance of working at a private facility instead of a public one. I wonder how many of them end up cleaning a celebrity kid’s bedroom. Hopefully, very little!
Britney Spears
Britney Spears is easily one of the most iconic celebrities in the world, as people all over the world know who she is. As such, it’s natural that people spread rumors about her, with many of them being completely untrue. This claim one seems to be one of these fabricated stories – but I’ll let you be the judge of that!

I just can’t imagine someone like Britney would have such a poor diet and clean habits! Perhaps, if it’s true, it comes from Britney’s upbringing, and she’s never let go of it. Either way, she’s Britney Spears; I think she can afford to be a little messy and hire people to clean after her – don’t you think?
Throughout human history, there have been a bunch of crazy health fads that claim to help you lose weight. Even in the 1950s, there was something known as the Maria Callas’ Diet, where people would intentionally ingest tapeworms to try and lose several pounds. But hold your horses because what pop singer Kesha did is just as crazy!

Of course, there are several health issues with doing something like this, and it’s not just because it’s gross! It can cause kidney damage because your organs have to work twice as hard to remove the toxins from your “drink.” She would be best off just doing some exercise to burn off those calories.
Reese Witherspoon
Naturally, not every celebrity is as mad as some of the other ones on this list. In fact, some of them appear to be pretty good role models, like Reese Witherspoon. How she juggles her career while being a strong mother is certainly admirable. I’d love to know how she does it!

After all, the British newspaper The Independent claimed that being a full-time mother is the same as holding down two-and-a-half jobs or approximately 98 hours of work per week. So, essentially, Reese is working several careers, and she’s doing it all in the public eye. She’s a credit to every mother out there!
Chris Hemsworth
Chris Hemsworth, known for his roles that exude confidence and charm, found himself in a slightly less glamorous yet endearingly human situation. Imagine teaching Hemsworth’s eldest child how to ride a pony — a task that is a delightful peek into the star’s family life.

But the story takes a comical turn when Hemsworth joins for a walk, attempting to lighten the mood with his humor. The awkwardness of the situation, palpable and lingering for five minutes as he tried to explain the punchline, reminds us that even the mightiest of celebrities can have their off moments.
Ariana Grande
A global music sensation, Ariana Grande isn’t just about high notes and glittering stages. Working in a security company, one can glimpse the lives of stars like Grande. A quiet evening at a local restaurant, away from the limelight, reveals a different side of her, contrary to her on-stage persona.

Ariana proves to be far from bratty or unapproachable. Over a simple meal, she engages in polite small talk, showing a cool and grounded side that often remains hidden from the public eye. Moments like these remind us stars are just people, appreciating the rare tranquility of an empty restaurant.Wayne Rooney
Wayne Rooney
Behind the scenes of roaring stadiums and flashing cameras, the life of soccer star Wayne Rooney unfolds with a quiet, humble air, as shared by a former housekeeper. Far from the celebrity stereotype, Rooney’s home life reveals a deeply reserved man, never allowing his remarkable talent on the field to turn into personal arrogance.

This understated demeanor sheds light on the oft-overlooked modesty that can exist even among the most celebrated athletes. It’s a reminder that sometimes, greatness chooses to whisper rather than shout, embodying a humility that speaks volumes about the individual’s character.
Nicolas Cage
In Hollywood, where larger-than-life personalities abound, Nicolas Cage stands out with his unique presence. Known for his distinctive style, Cage often strolls around the set, cigar in hand, embodying the very essence of ‘Nic Cage-like’ charisma. However, the set is not always a place of smooth operations.

During a particularly intense fight scene, a fire mishap triggered an unexpected outburst from the star. Cage’s sudden shift to anger, unleashing a storm of words on the crew, punctuates the unpredictable nature of film production and the intense pressure these artists work under. His commitment to his work was undoubtedly in evidence.
Eminem reigns supreme in the realm of hip-hop royalty, yet his off-stage persona reveals a refreshingly down-to-earth side. Far from the intense persona often portrayed in his music, Eminem emerges as an incredibly cool and considerate individual. This genuine display of thoughtfulness and regular interaction shows a humble side to Eminem.

This peek into his everyday interactions, as narrated by a landscaper, paints Eminem not just as a music icon but as a person who values the human connection. His approachable manner, regularly offering refreshments and engaging in small talk, shows a level of respect and appreciation for the work of others.
George Carlin
George Carlin, a legend in the world of comedy, was known not just for his razor-sharp wit but also for his subtle acts of kindness, particularly to those behind the scenes. His appearances at a major theater in New Jersey, more than just performances, allowed him to acknowledge and appreciate the backstage crew quietly.

Carlin’s habit of leaving behind signed copies of his books, seemingly by accident, was his unique way of bending the rules to show gratitude. This small yet significant gesture painted a picture of a man who valued every individual’s contribution to the show, a trait that made him as respected offstage as he was on it.
Naomi Campbell
The juxtaposition between Naomi Campbell’s supermodel status and her off-runway behavior has often sparked discussions. A particularly notable incident, where she reportedly threw a phone at her housekeeper, underscores the complexities behind her glamorous facade. Her actions were far from her polished public image.

While Campbell’s impact on the fashion industry is undeniable, such behavior, especially towards those in subordinate positions, cannot be excused as mere side effects of fame or stress. It raises serious questions about the responsibility of public figures to maintain not just a facade of professionalism, but also a baseline of human decency.
Ellen DeGeneres
Ellen DeGeneres’s reputation as a television host has been scrutinized. Reports from various sources, including firsthand accounts from staff members, paint a picture of a work environment that contrasts sharply with the upbeat, positive vibe she promotes on her show. This dichotomy has led to public criticism and a reevaluation of her image.

People often judge her based on these behind-the-scenes revelations, challenging the authenticity of her on-air personality. This story shared by a former staff member adds to this narrative. In the entertainment world, where image is everything, these revelations serve as recollections of the often-hidden human aspects of those in the spotlight.
Adam Levine
Adam Levine, frontman of Maroon 5 and a prominent figure in the music industry, often projects an image of cool nonchalance. However, accounts from those interacting with him in professional settings suggest a different side. Such behavior clashes with the expectations set by his public persona.

That kind of thing leads to unpleasant and reputation-damaging situations. Levine’s actions in these settings reveal a side of celebrity culture where power and success can sometimes lead to a sense of superiority, creating a gap between the admiration fans hold for the artist and the reality of their personal conduct.
Anne Hathaway
Image can sometimes play a crucial role in one’s life, and for celebrities, it often becomes a defining aspect of their public persona. This was notably evident when Anne Hathaway refused to share her height, possibly to adhere to her taller portrayal online. This incident subtly unveils celebrities’ pressure to match the public’s perception of them.

With celebrities constantly under the microscope, it’s no wonder that something as simple as height becomes a guarded detail. It’s a small yet telling detail about the intricate image management in the celebrity world, where maintaining a particular public image can overshadow simple truths. But the question is: what do you think is her real height?
Sandra Bullock
Of course, being in the public eye means that sometimes you’ll want to have a bit of privacy. But how can you do that when everyone knows who you are? Well, by keeping everything closed, of course! If you ever go past a millionaire’s house with closed curtains, remember this.

You never know; you might be near Sandra Bullock’s house! In America, in particular, keeping your curtains permanently closed is rather strange, as most Americans report having curtains as an accessory instead of using them regularly. I can’t even imagine how anyone can even see in a home as dark as this.
Angelina Jolie
Angelina Jolie is one of those celebrities that most people know as being a kind person. After all, she’s done a ton of charity work and helped out those in need. But it seems that she might need to start acting better at home to her family members, according to this staff member!

Psych Central claims that adults who throw tantrums like children might be trying to manipulate other people into doing what they want. I’m not sure what Angelina Jolie would need to manipulate another person for – she’s rich enough to just buy them off instead. Well, it seems that not everything is about money for celebrities.
Alicia Silverstone
Alicia Silverstone is probably best known for her appearance as Cher Horowitz in the cult classic Clueless from 1995. But did you know that she’s also a strict vegan and advocate for PETA? Perhaps that explains some of this weird behavior with her children. There’s no other normal reason for this!

In case you didn’t know, bird parents will find some food for their young and eat it. Later, they regurgitate their food right into their babies’ mouths because the babies need it to be softened up first. Let’s just hope that Alicia Silverstone feeds her children human food and not worms, seeds, or bugs like birds do!
Brad Pitt
If there is one thing I’m shocked about on this list, it’s the number of celebrities who have bad hygiene. You’d think that people as rich as some of the folk on this list would be determined to keep up appearances, but apparently not! But how often do most people shower anyway?

According to Healthline, the majority of people will shower once a day. However, some people do it more frequently due to their work. But, WebMD states that some people may only need to shower three times a week to stay healthy. Either way, not showering for several weeks is absolutely vile!
Harry Styles
It’s no secret that many celebrities work really hard – after all, how else would they make it so big? However, many of us don’t realize how hard celebrities work. According to some statistics, many famous faces will regularly work 14-hour days, whether it be traveling or actually doing productive things.

So, it makes it much more understandable to know that someone like Harry Styles often falls asleep at work. He’s probably been up for quite some time! Additionally, CNBC reported in 2018 that around 51% of Americans go to sleep at work. For Harry to do the same is not so strange after all!
Robert Pattinson
We’ve already read several cases of celebrities not bathing regularly for one reason or another, but what about those who simply choose not to wash their hair? According to Cleveland Clinic, most people only need to wash their hair every two or three days, although it depends on age and other factors.

Washing your hair too often can actually be pretty bad for you, as it can lead to your hair becoming dry or brittle. It can even cause parts of your hair to “break” and your scalp to become itchy, dry, or irritated. So, it seems that Robert Pattinson has the right idea! I wonder if the smells is bearable though.
Gwyneth Paltrow
Honestly, we’ve all dealt with fake friends on one or two occasions in our lives. In fact, according to a study from 2016, only around 50% of all our friends are actually mutual relationships. The rest of them are fake, for whatever reason. It seems that this statistic is just as true for the rich and famous!

Most experts say that the reason some individuals behave in this two-faced way is that they don’t wish for other people to know the truth about them. Sometimes, these people will adopt this self-defense mechanism of being two-faced in order to shield the truth about themselves. Or sometimes, these people are just mean!
Johnny Depp
Many of us might wonder about celebrities do during their free time. What could someone with all that money do for fun? Or, should the question be, what don’t they do for fun? Well, it seems that in the case of Johnny Depp, the answer is pretty simple – dressing up. Honestly, if I had played so many fun and iconic characters like him, I would say go around dressed as them.

Of course, it’s possible that there’s an easier explanation than this. Maybe Johnny just likes method acting and uses the costumes to get back into the role of his characters again. Method acting is pretty popular in Hollywood, with around 35% of actors claiming that they have tried it before for a role.
Nicolas Cage
Most of us would consider owning a pet snake as an odd choice, but it’s much more common in America than you might think. According to the US Pet Ownership and Demographics Sourcebook, around 550,000 American households owned one or more pet snakes in 2011. That’s about 1.15 million of them!

An octopus is an even weirder pet, although there aren’t any official stats on how common they are. Even so, the cost of these aquatic animals can be pretty high, ranging from $20 to $1000. And that’s just for the animal – a tank big enough for an octopus is, on average, around $300.
Lizzo, the fierce and empowering singer known for her body-positive anthems, is now facing a storm of serious allegations! Three former backup dancers have filed a lawsuit accusing her of physical and racial harassment, body shaming, and creating a hostile work environment. The singer apparently put her team in embarrassing positions.

The case exposes disturbing incidents, like pressured actions at an Amsterdam club. These claims are challenging to reconcile with her public image of self-love and acceptance. Her unapologetic embrace of self-love and body positivity has inspired countless fans worldwide. While Lizzo’s public persona promotes body positivity and empowerment, it’s heartbreaking if these allegations are true.
Miley Cyrus
Just what is it about celebrities and having no sense of cleanliness?! Perhaps it’s because they can afford to have domestic workers, or maybe because some of them are born rich and have no idea about how to look after a home. It appears to be such a common trend among the starts that I’m not even surprised Miley Cyrus is another celeb with allegedly bad habits.

However, it’s not like it’s really her choice for the animals to do this. Maybe she just can’t seem to house-train her animals. After all, some studies indicate that only 95% of large dogs and 67% of smaller breeds are fully house-trained animals. Miley could be trying hard, and her pets may not obey her! That’s definitely a more acceptable scenario than her just purposely leaving their poo all over the house.
Jim Carrey
It’s pretty weird to know that so many funny famous people are actually nothing like that in real life. You’d think that someone as hilarious as Jim Carrey must be a ball to be around, but apparently, that’s not true. It’s probably pretty hard to keep people laughing all the time.

However, according to Forbes, around 30% of people smile roughly 20 times daily. Few than 14% of people smile less than five times daily. So, it seems like Jim Carrey is part of this latter group, for better or for worse. Let’s hope that his employees are a little more chirpy!
Ryan Gosling
Who hasn’t seen the movie The Exorcist? It’s probably the most famous horror movie of all time. The Library of Congress even chose for the film to be entered into the National Film Registry because it’s “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant.” So, I find this claim about Ryan Gosling easy to believe.

Surely most people would recognize that he’s just pulling a stunt and pretending to be Regan from the hit horror film? Either way, it seems like he likes pulling elaborate pranks, which is better than some of the strange things other celebs on this list have done. Doing movie scenes is harmless!
Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise is often known for his odd taste, particularly with Scientology. However, it seems like this is just the tip of the iceberg with him. While some celebrities may be completely messy, it seems that he’s a neat freak. How often do you think most people change their bed sheets? If this story is true, I’m no one can beat Tom Cruise.

The National Sleep Foundation did a study, and they found that roughly 91% of Americans change their sheets every two weeks. Most scientists recommend that you should change or wash your sheets every week. So, changing them every day is pretty strange, even for someone as eccentric as Tom Cruise.
Jason Momoa
Jason Momoa’s most famous role is as Aquaman in the movie series of the same name. In these films, he’s a tough but gentle guy, although it seems that the opposite of this might be true in real life. There is such a thing as giving your kids too much freedom! I’m sure it won’t affect them at all in the future – sarcasm intended.

According to the majority of sleep experts, the best time to go to sleep, for most people, is between 10 PM and 11 PM. However, they also recommend that having a regular sleep schedule is far better than anything. At least Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet are consistent with their habits! Even if they’re not the best ones.
Tori Spelling
Oversharing is something that you might just think that we regular folk do. After all, most celebrities live very carefully created lives, where every single detail has to be checked by a PR expert before they reveal it to the public. However, that’s not exactly true for all the famous faces out there.

You may think that oversharing just makes people feel a little uncomfortable. Still, it can actually also have quite harmful effects as well. Oversharing can cause you to distance yourself from friends, and it can also affect your mental health. Next time, I hope Tori is a little bit more careful with what she shares with her staff – you never know who you can trust, after all.
Some of these entries have been pretty surprising, but this next one about Madonna is quite easy to believe. After all, the singer-songwriter has often spoken about not watching TV because she thinks it’s not good. She even mentions it in her song Nobody Knows Me, from the 2003 album American Life.

In the song, Madonna sings, “I don’t want no lies/I don’t watch TV/I don’t waste my time/Reading magazines.” So this fact is not so shocking after all! However, paying personal assistants so little is quite bizarre, especially for someone worth so much. She’s the best-selling female artist of all time!
Mariah Carey
Here’s another story that’s relatively easy to believe, although it can’t be good. According to government statistics, children between the ages of 4 to 10 years should have a maximum of 5 to 6 sugar cubes daily. I wonder how many sugar cubes are in a room full of candy! Can someone please send Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon a link to this study?

Of course, there are a ton of health problems associated with eating too much candy, most notably the effect on your teeth and gums. I hope that this is just a fictional rumor, as I don’t want to believe someone as fabulous as Mariah Carey could do this to her children. Though she has enough money to pay for their dental care, just in case!
Paris Hilton
This one is pretty funny, although it’s also a little sad when considering what happened to Paris Hilton’s dogs. Earlier this year, one of her beloved pups went missing, and the socialite launched an 18-day hunt for it. However, sadly they couldn’t find the dog, and they eventually called the search off.

Many experts reckon that a hungry coyote may have snatched Paris’s puppy from her Hollywood Hills home. So, after an incident like that, it’s not surprising that Paris wants better security for her dogs. It may seem bizarre, but it’ll hopefully keep her other dogs safe from any hungry animals.
Bruce Springsteen
For a man who’s over 73 years old, you’d think that someone like Bruce Springsteen would behave much better than he does. But it seems even someone like him believes he’s untouchable – there’s no excuse for behavior like this. Sadly, men acting in this way towards women is all too common in the workplace.

In fact, 38% of all working women have claimed that men have behaved inappropriately with them while at work. Of this proportion, around 58% of these women never filed a complaint, mostly due to fear of retaliation. For the sake of Bruce’s female workers, I sincerely hope that this story isn’t true.
Robert Downey Jr.
Speaking of bad friends, have you ever met someone who just won’t stop sharing their opinions? Even when you don’t ask for them or aren’t even on the topic, these people won’t give up and feel everyone needs to know what they think. These people are truly some of the worst ones out there!

Regrettably, it seems that Robert Downey Jr. is one of these individuals. Of course, there are several benefits to sharing your opinions with others. Namely, most scientists agree that doing so can release any emotions you have pent up while also clearing your mind. So, Robert’s mind must be pretty clear indeed!
Christian Bale
It’s probably harder to name movies that Christian Bale hasn’t been in than those that he has. He’s most recognizable for his takes on Batman, as well as Patrick Bateman from American Psycho. With iconic roles like that, why wouldn’t you want to reprise them now and again? I definitely would!

However, the thing that I find most shocking about this story is not the fact that Christian Bale likes to do this but that he answers the phone himself. I figured most celebrities hired people to do this kind of work for them instead! Perhaps they’re not so out of touch with us.
Keanu Reeves
We’ve read quite a few wild, crazy, and downright hilarious stories on this list. Now, it’s time for one that’s pretty heart-warming. Most of us think of Keanu Reeves as being a genuinely sweet person, and it seems that this is true in real life as well. It’s not just an act! Though I’m sure Matthew Perry would disagree.

Of course, if I were an actor who was worth $380 million, I wouldn’t find it difficult to be kind to others as well! Even so, it’s a real testament to how kind Keanu is, as not every famous face on this list appears to be as sweet as him. He’s a real role model. Do you think Matthew Perry was telling the truth? Could it be that Keanu Reeves’s kindness is just an act?
Selena Gomez
We’ve got another celebrity who is rumored to be a totally messy person – Selena Gomez. You would think that an actress with a net worth of $85 million would have the sense or ability to tidy up after themselves – but nope, that is unfortunately not true.

It just goes to show you that money can’t buy you everything in life, including the ability to be a tidy person. At least she’s not as bad as some other messy celebrities like Keith Moon, guitarist from the band The Who. He blew up a hotel toilet in 1967 during his 21st birthday party celebrations!
Kylie Jenner
Almost everyone on the planet knows who the Kardashian and Jenners are, but does anybody actually like them? According to Cheat Sheet, the number of people interested in them has decreased significantly over the years, with most people claiming they’re indifferent or not a fan of the clan. After reading this story, I can see why!

Perhaps incidents like these are part of the reason why so many people dislike them! However, it shouldn’t be too surprising that someone in this family is so lazy. After all, a lot of people struggle to understand the family’s actual talents or what led them to fame. Other folks actually argue their very skilled businesswomen! What’s your take? Let us know back in the comments.
Paula Deen
Most of us think that celebrities have very exciting lives, which should mean that they’re pretty interesting people as well. They can afford things out of our wildest dreams, so you’d think that they’d have a ton of exciting life experiences as well. But it seems that not every celebrity is this way at all.

You’ve got to be a special kind of boring to make even a cruise seem dull! It just goes to show that for some people, they have to fake being interesting people for others to enjoy them. How else could someone like Paula Deen have such a successful career as a TV chef?
Ariana Grande
Another thing that some celebrities are known for is their strange requests. Since they’re so rich and famous, they can request the weirdest things that some of us wouldn’t even consider. Being carried around is one of them – I can’t understand why Ariana Grande would even want something like this to happen.

Maybe she doesn’t want her feet to touch the floor, or maybe she’s too lazy to walk by herself. Even so, if I was rich enough, I know that I’d love to be treated like a princess! Also, there’s no point denying something like this if there is so much photo evidence of it happening.
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