Saturday, July 20, 2024

THE BITTER TRUTH ....................


I always like to say what is on my mind ......even though it  is  not always   sugar coated  .....i never  ever plan my blogs...... or thoughts !!!!!....... or  random  rants  ....... it is  like  bread.......  fresh....... from the oven   .........from my mind  .........and many times ....... in my life lead me to  trouble  ....especially with family we all know hates the truth ......i may randomly bounce around on many things ......that is because other  thoughts jump into my head at the  same moment ........i was a  child....... always in trouble  for  being naughty ,.....but was never   diagnosed  with   any symptoms.......  other  rather   being a little bastard  of  such , dad would say ...."he is  a boy ".........and that is  what  boys  do  as  my father was  my hero  ....i capitalized on that very thing .......Today when boys do wrong.........  the parents medicate  the  child ......  as  he is a problem .......and so........ as we move forward in life the  fabric of  family gets thinner  and  thinner  and  so  the  problem  magnifies ........

Those day  of  manly men ....... are  being eradicated  ....... due  to  the   political shift....... and  how women   view it as   toxic  male   ....well all i can say  is   fuck  these people !!!!!! such thing   .......strength comes from resistance is how they survive in the animal  kingdom   .......

Everyone  tries to let you believe they are  living a great life   .......and  all is well  ....i have lived many places in America........  and in UK ....i have been  truly bless in my quest in life .......i believe  it was deemed  upon me somehow !....... as my father  came from many...... many...... generations of  sailors.......naval pioneers....... and even goes  as far back  as  some  seafaring  pirate bastards  .......apparently .......  and   he would tell me........  you  will  never  be settled will always  want to move   .........even  to this  day ......... i   do not  feel i belong anywhere  ........maybe it is  a  good thing or  not  !!!! ......who knows   .......i have family that  have stayed in the one place..... and never  left the  shithole /breeding stalls towns Scotland  ...and  are still in these  close minded  communities .......which i hated  ...because these   places  are the breeding grounds of  evil /backstabbing /lying /religious hatred/jealousy .....etc ...etc ....especially where i lived   ...when you do something gets  magnified .......out of  proportion .....because they have nothing else   happening in their miserable lives  ......its a fact !!!!!.......i lived  in these places  ......and believe me  they need   someone  like me to talk about........   they have used  everyone else  up!!!! you give them something talk about  they say in that  song   sure  who the  fuck  .wrote it ......and you always give them different stories or  versions of that story ........always .... never  ever  reveal who you truly are will be  to your detriment ......downfall ....never  arm your  enemy .......they will conspire  against you .......or  never  unite   all your  friends ...... they will conspire  against you  is  a genetic  human  dysfunction the great   war general  Julius Caesar said  .....divide and  conquer has been proven many times  ...........

The harder someone  is trying to prove to you...... they are   successful....... and  bragging ......and  demonstrating their  greatness  ......usually they are trying to  cover up the crack   ......women are the worst ........ they try .......and  portray an image ........ while their  family is  falling apart    the  divorce rate is  2 out of  3 marriages  statistically)...... ......i have seen it so many times  ....... they  look all good on the  outside ......and the inside........ is  falling apart not  want to admit their  husband  .....that ship has already sailed ........bill gates /jeff bezos .......  with all their  wealth   .....could not keep a woman ......and those  are the  two wealthiest men .........also shit gets old  ...... ......

So when someone  tell you .........they are all good  like in cloth /pastors/pillars of the community /politicians/.....etc etc .....i am sure you know what i mean  .....everyone is dealing with some demons  .......good  ....... or bad .....we are  naughty by nature  .........we  are a  curious by nature  .......and  everyone likes  to fuck ......whatever the   combination is woman/......woman / woman/trans /woman/bondage dominatrix/cosplay/fetish/sissy...........the combinations are endless can keep   ....well i can  keep going ....but i think you get the  gist of what i am saying when a person tells me........ they are all good  ...........they are off kilter ..............balance is the key to life!!!!!!  .......and  when they say "i swear on a  stack of  bibles"........ in a  southern  drawl /accent............i know ........ you only need one  .........why a stack !!!!! .......and is  that stack the  same  unit  a stack of pancakes  .....what is a  stack unit when it comes  to bible !!!......ten the commandments .....i am not sure .......if you are good do not  need to  tell people you are good .............. actions  speak louder than words when someone  says to me...... they/you/me/them/it are good  ....they are not   ......same with the  family unit  ......

Image is nothing!!!! ....phil knight ......the  owner of nike .......... will have you  believe that American  dream horse shite  .....image will cost ya  ....everything........ an  can be  destroyed   faster than it can be built !!!!....for instance ......jared  form sub way ......the  sandwich  guy!!!! ......(incidentally which are the  shittiest fucking sandwiches  i do not know who the fuck eats  that  shit ....but they are pure  shite  .....some people will eat anything  ...) .......anyways he  made a  fortune.....  all  looking all american guy lost weight   .....but  was a  pedophile ......boom !!! jail .........bill kamahl....south Florida  meteorologist a suit  doing the  weather .....all American .......  good  GQ...looking   stylish ........boom!!!!....pedophile ........image gone......

So when someone  tells you...... they do not  ........swear do this that !!............the other  ........get them drunk............ and you see the  real    person/animal/arse hole....break free .......

Most people  live in fear .......and  afraid of  what others  think about them  ....trying  to  upkeep a  family image  .........but in the  end........   all  is  revealed  ......Face book has  created these  false people  ...... and  eventually they get  revealed  ....... it is better  to be honest and hated  ......rather   than loved and  lied to ......tik-tok.....instagram.......facebook ........ has  created  the soulless humans........  vacuum of  ignorance  ......and  veneer ......people  wanting to  lie  .........and   act  like  they are  all that !!!!!  ....and  then they  get exposed .........all i am  saying  is  in  the  end  ......image is absolutely   nothing the end  lie on the same slab .......and put in the  same hole .....or  burned .......... and  end up   same  ashes  .........

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  I cannot  wait for the  trump train to come rolling into town .........all these  fucking  demovrat bastards are  gpoing to feel his  wrat...