Wednesday, July 3, 2024



Just nineteen ....unlucky...(meaning the  19 dead that are in the truck ...)....... for some  ...are you surprised ....i am surprised are  surprised's Mexico or as they say !!!!!! ......mehhhico!!!!.....mexico !!!!.....when you think of  mexico ....first thoughts are cartel/death/fentyol/el chapo/sinoloa/cocaiina/guns/drugs/sicario........before (pre-cartel days).....  when you used to say mexico ......people would things  colourful /burritos/fiesta/sombreros/ponchos/piñatas/rancheros/cumbia music/colourful stuff /families gathered/sangria  it is   death/guns/cartels/fentynol/cocaina/shootings / my  how things have  changed .......gone are the good old  days !!!!!.....listen i love  a  bit  of   danger  with a  stranger ....... as they say is  called  ......but  a now  !!!!!!!...i would not  go to mexico if you paid  me !!!!!! .....unless it was   5  star or 4  star......i will stoop to as low as  3  .......but that is  it!!!!!!! ..... .....the place has  gone to shit is  murder .......bodies in truck  etc,......etc .....i mean that is not  good  for  tourism on any level  ....maybe one  body  sure  ....but 19,.......overkill ....excuse the "the  blair witch project" ....that movie did  fuck all for the camping can bet your  balls to a  barn dance .......... when that  film came out ....... camping  sales  too a shite  !!!!!!!....incidentally.......     i fucking hate  camping are stuck with people ........whom are mostly   drunks /hillbillies/.......etc etc ....and they hang around  drinking beer in a  tent ...... or  sit around a  fire ....nothing to  do after  dark ...... ....camping sucks ass  ........ really bad  ....maybe i am  just  too lively !!!!!!!!........ to go camping ...... .....pests biting ........  cunts  cooking  ....and  nothing to  do  except  explore  ........if i want to  explore i will do a  museum or an old war ship docked .............listen the only thing between you and  mother  nature  in a tent is  a  sheet of  nylon .....fuck that !!!!!! ....i have this  theory !!!!! .....maybe........ i am  evolved  too much .......  but i like things  called  hotels !!!!!! know you can shower tv !!!!! ...... always near  shit chance of  getting mauled by a wild animal .....and   .......may even  pick up a  stank ass ho !!!!! breakfast .......just me....... personally  ...but then as i always say......... i am a  degenerate  fucker  .....sheeeeeeeeit!!!! always.......  i strayed off topic anyways ......  i am not  surprised 19  bodies  ,,......i thought there  might be more than this .....oh well !!!!!!!!!....they do not  fuck around!!!!!! ........if i want to feel the  Mexico  experience......... without the  fear of  death!!!!!!! ......i will just go to a  restaurant  .....

Gang violence in Mexico: 19 bodies discovered in latest grisly find

11 June 2024, Mexico, Yajalon: Soldiers are deployed at an emergency shelter for evacuated villagers. Due to a violent conflict in a community in southern Mexico, more than 4,000 villagers have been evacuated by soldiers and taken to two emergency shelters. This was announced by President Obrador on Monday after local media reported on violence between drug cartels in the village of Tila in the state of Chiapas at the weekend. Photo: Isaac Guzman/dpa (Photo by Isaac Guzman/picture alliance via Getty Images)
Soldiers are deployed this month at an emergency shelter in Yajalón in Chiapas state, after violence between drug cartels led to the evacuation of thousands from around another village. A brutal drug war has convulsed Mexico's poorest and southernmost state. (Isaac Guzman/Getty Images)

Social media users in Mexico have been circulating a video featuring especially grisly images: a tangle of bloodied bodies, some in tactical gear, lying in a dump truck.

A narrator on the video speaks of the remains as trophies and boasts that the carnage in Chiapas state was the handiwork of the Sinaloa Cartel, once the fiefdom of Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán, whose successors are moving to expand the imprisoned kingpin’s former drug-smuggling empire.

This week, Mexican authorities said they discovered 19 bodies on an isolated dirt road, the latest deaths in a brutal trafficking war that has convulsed Mexico’s poorest and southernmost state.

The men had been shot dead, according to Mexico’s Secretariat of Security and Citizen Protection, their bodies found in and around the abandoned truck. At least six carried Guatemalan identification.

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador on Tuesday called the loss of life "lamentable” and blamed a confrontation between two armed groups.

“What motivates this?” López Obrador asked at his morning news conference. “The traffic of drugs and also the traffic of migrants, of people.”

Read more: Soldiers and civilians are dying as Mexican cartels embrace a terrifying new weapon: Land mines

The president, whose six-year term ends Oct. 1, has disputed estimates from U.S. officials and others that up to one-third of Mexican territory — including much of Chiapas state — is under the effective control of criminal groups.

The Sinaloa Cartel and its major rival, the Jalisco New Generation Cartel, are said to be battling to control lucrative smuggling routes in Chiapas, which shares a long and largely remote border with Guatemala. It was not clear whether the dead were affiliated with the Jalisco cartel; nor did authorities clarify if they were executed or killed in a shootout.

Read more: She sang for 'El Chapo.' Now the cartel kingpin's lawyer wants to be a ranchera star

The area is a prime trafficking corridor for cocaine from South America as well as migrants from across the world who enter Mexico from Central America en route to the United States. The lure of illicit profits has drawn criminal mobs to the scenic zone of jungles, mountains and rivers, where much of the population is Indigenous.

“Unfortunately, Chiapas has been caught in the middle of this trafficking war for both drugs and migrants,” said Mike Vigil, former head of the Drug Enforcement Administration's overseas operations. “Smuggling migrants has now become a multibillion dollar business for the cartels.”

Read more: Bullets before ballots: Dozens of Mexican candidates have been killed as cartels seek more control

The Chiapas turf war has wreaked havoc in the once-peaceful state, leaving scores dead, forcing thousands to leave their homes and cratering a once-thriving tourist industry.

"Violence has spread like a cancer in our state," the Chiapas-based Fray Bartolomé de las Casas Center of Human Rights reported in April. "This situation is characterized not only by the armed confrontation among criminal groups, but also the intent to control, with strategies of terror, the social, economic and political life of the communities."

While the mayhem in Chiapas is often described as a battle between the Sinaloa and Jalisco cartels, dozens of armed criminal gangs operate in the state, experts say, some allied with larger groups and others semi-autonomous.

Read more: The U.S. and Mexico settle their avocado standoff — but not without a dig from the Mexican president

The Chiapas municipality of La Concordia, where the bodies were found, has seen waves of violence in recent months.

A spate of attacks on mayoral candidates and their entourages in Chiapas in the run-up to last month's elections left at least 16 dead, including Lucero Esmeralda López Maza, a 28-year-old woman running for mayor in La Concordia.

A series of gun battles there in April killed at least 10, according to police, though a human rights group put the death toll at 25.


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MOSTLY RAT MEAT .....................................................

  Apparently ..........i have heard that  most of the  chicken is rat meat ...............well as  matter of fact..........   over  1 millio...