Monday, July 8, 2024



You see what i have been saying ....... about families .......all of then are fucked up !!!!!!.....somehow...... into the fabric of problems ......mines  ........was  fucking disgusting!!!!! .....not  my  mum and  dad ....... no ........ i was  truly  and  godly  blessed!!!!!!.......with two great parents  ..........they were  strict enough to  control us .......  but  were  really lax in our  freedom ......and i know  when growing up sisters  hated  me on   some  level  ......and to be perfectly honest .....i never  ever wanted  sisters ........ or a  brother.......  even  ......i hate siblings on every  level .....but you know  tradition .....and in them  days........  it was  the  thing to have  families ......everyone  had families  .....i never........  ever ....wanted  a   family....they always lie .........  and  parents  have to lie order  to keep the family.....and that is no lie  ....listen......... all the  bullshit  .........with easter bunny/xmas....(/crimbo as brits would say )/halloween /the stupid fucking stork baby shit on......... and  so forth !!!!!!.....parents have to lie to kids  from the  get  go !!!!!...... about  life .......  denial!!!! .....and  shit !!!!! ......listen .........i am  only saying it as   i saw  the  bullshit   growing up ......i would not  have minded being   an only child for  sure  ........i never  ever  really liked people  growing up  ........saw  all the  shit i needed to see in Scotland ........let me you....... all the  drinking/religious horse shite/fighting ........and it  does  leave a  mark on your  soul .........

I truly believe when i see  a  family  playing happy families  ........i am  suspicious as  fuck ......there is  always one  fucking  shit starter/black sheep .......  somehow  ......even in the  royals  ... ...randy andy (epsteins buddy  you know the  corgi walker ).....can you imagine   being a prince one minute  ........walking corgis  the  next  ........ the mighty have  fallen ...... ,.....and i am  sure  William is not  squeaky clean neither ........ look at  chuck and  di ....yep sirree bob........... thee royals see how  that shit ended in the  end !!!!!!!! ......

As you see   .....i am not surprised  by this  ......always ....... some  dark secrets.......   come out of the  closet  ....especially after  death ........that is  when the real shit starts  to  william/willliam tell/ if you are surprised.........i am surprised are surprised .....

                    INTERESTING FACT

Interesting  fact !!!!!!!! .....the   Nobel, peace prize ....... was  invented   by the  feller  Alfred Nobel ......he was  also    ......the very same guy........ that  invented  dynamite......... all sorts of explosives and armaments....... .......funnily  called at one point a  "merchant  of  death"...... ...well golly sirrreee  fuck my old  boots .......  smack me with a   banjo that  not  opposing  diametrics........  if you ever saw and peace at it's very very  best .......well i guess  after you   invent something.....  ...that literally  annihilates murders and  burns alive  children ,,and innocent  lives ....... and  murders thousands of  people  get a  conscience   apart....... from the  American govt !!!!!! sir!!!!!they drop bombs  every  20 minutes  appeox........give or  take a  few  mins .....with bombs   costing quarter  of a million bucks .....nothing personal's business   .....not for the  average joe of  course case you did not know  about the  Nobel peace prize   you do now.....good to use  at these  fake ass dinner parties   for   conversation  ...will make you sound like a  smart ass  ...although the  bomb thing   ...maybe not  !!!!!!........ 

Isn't it cowardly .....people wait till someone   dies   ........then rat them out!!!!!!!! .....could not let the   secrets  die  with them ......there might be  that  odd exception.......... like  child molestation where they deserved  to fucking die........  for  sure ....... ....and  get revealed .........  but why were   they not  confronted.........  when they were alive !!!!! see human  beings  ............ the old  appendage in my  family always  used to  use  ......"don't say anything you will start trouble "........yep that was the  mantra .......however  thus why i cannot stand family ........

Weeks After Alice Munro’s Death, Daughter Tells of Dark Family Secret

Elizabeth A. Harris
4 min read
Canadian author Alice Munro

Andrea Robin Skinner, a daughter of Canadian Nobel laureate Alice Munro’s, said that her stepfather sexually abused her as a child — and that her mother knew about it, and chose to stay with him anyway.

Skinner, now an adult, detailed these accusations in an essay in the Toronto Star on Sunday. According to a separate article in the Toronto Star, Skinner went to Ontario police, and in 2005, her stepfather, Gerald Fremlin, was charged with indecent assault against her. He pleaded guilty.

By then, he was 80 years old. He got a suspended sentence and probation for two years. Munro stayed with him until he died in 2013.

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Because of her mother’s fame, Skinner wrote, “the silence continued.” Munro died May 13 at 92.

“What I wanted was some record of the truth, some public proof that I hadn’t deserved what had happened to me,” Skinner wrote of going to police in 2005, about 30 years after the abuse began.

“I also wanted this story, my story, to become part of the stories people tell about my mother,” Skinner continued. “I never wanted to see another interview, biography or event that didn’t wrestle with the reality of what had happened to me, and with the fact that my mother, confronted with the truth of what had happened, chose to stay with, and protect, my abuser.”

Attempts to reach Skinner on Sunday were unsuccessful.

Skinner wrote that the abuse began in 1976, when she was 9 years old and went to visit Fremlin, then in his 50s, and her mother, who was in her 40s. She said he climbed into the bed where she was sleeping and sexually assaulted her. Skinner said she told her stepmother, who then told Skinner’s father. Her father did not confront Munro.

During the next several years, Skinner wrote, Fremlin exposed himself to her in car rides, described her mother’s sexual needs and “told me about the little girls in the neighborhood he liked.” According to the article in the Toronto Star, he lost interest in Skinner when she became a teenager.

Over time, Munro’s reputation as an author grew. When she died, she was widely considered to be one of the greatest short-story writers of all time. Her work often focused on women in different stages of life, mixing “ordinary people and extraordinary themes,” according to her New York Times obituary. She was awarded the Nobel in 2013 when she was 82.

When Skinner was in her 20s, Munro expressed sympathy for a character in a short story who dies by suicide after being sexually abused by her stepfather. It was after this, Skinner wrote, that she decided to tell her mother about the abuse she suffered.

In a letter, she told her mother what Fremlin had done to her. Rather than responding with sympathy, Skinner said, Munro “reacted exactly as I had feared she would, as if she had learned of an infidelity.”

Munro left Fremlin, going to stay at a condo she owned in British Columbia. Fremlin wrote letters to the family, Skinner said, in which he admitted to the abuse but blamed it on her.

When she went to police in 2005, she took these letters.

“He described my 9-year-old self as a ‘homewrecker,’” Skinner wrote. According to Skinner’s essay and the article in the Toronto Star, Fremlin accused her of invading his bedroom “for sexual adventure" in one of the letters he wrote to the family.

“If the worst comes to worst I intend to go public,” Fremlin wrote, according to Skinner’s essay. “I will make available for publication a number of photographs, notably some taken at my cabin near Ottawa which are extremely eloquent ... one of Andrea in my underwear shorts.”

Despite all this, Skinner wrote, Munro went back to Fremlin and remained with him for the rest of his life.

“She said that she had been ‘told too late,’” Skinner wrote, that “she loved him too much, and that our misogynistic culture was to blame if I expected her to deny her own needs, sacrifice for her children and make up for the failings of men. She was adamant that whatever had happened was between me and my stepfather. It had nothing to do with her.”


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MOSTLY RAT MEAT .....................................................

  Apparently ..........i have heard that  most of the  chicken is rat meat ...............well as  matter of fact..........   over  1 millio...