Thursday, July 11, 2024



Every now and then ........i get feedback on my views .....towards  what i see ...then post about .......them ....and people say..... why do you swear so much or disrespect women ......listen....... i have said it now ........and will say it again is  a blog to say what i think .....a speakers  corner !!!!!...... as they would say!!!!! know like  stand up poetry .......although  stand up poetry .......and  spoken word  are  2 different things......  i would say  ....walt whitman  bastardized poetry   by making it non  rhyming  ....and  as  you will all know ........if you   have  one gram of  musical sense in your  .......being/torso/body/fat ass.......all song are  musical poems  .......they have to rhyme  or  they will not   make  music  ....surely  every monkey and  their  uncle  knew  this life ......there is  however the  spoken word.....and that is not poetry   ....poetry is   rhyming  simple  haiku poetry   which is  short   poetry   just an  example  

it is called .......  barfly .........

i have no wings  .....

i cannot  fly ....

unless i have had 

ten whiskey  and  rye .....

so spoken word  would be.........  

i am a fly sitting at the  bar ....

wondering .....


thinking about  my opportunities  to  fly ......

but alcohol is  my conduit another thought 

and drinking releases me   

from sitting at the  bar ....

to landing on a shit.....

this is  why poetry is more skillful.....don't hate the player's the game  ,......

however i do have  a poetry section and i am writing  several  books  ....but i am a  procrastinator ....and sometimes.......  shit never  gets  done  ....and  well i may have  to finish them on the other  side......  maybe ..... ...maybe  not  ...they may be lost in  the sands of  time ......oh well as such  ....cannot think about it  too much  ......And from time to time  you may  well notice i stary off topic as other  factors   come into my head  .....i am not sure why ....but  i cannot  stop thinking never  swithces off ...for some  reason ......this is  why i have  to go to  work  to   sideswipe  my thoughts is  brutal .....but  this is  what i  do...... this  i lets  me get  rid of  all the  things  that are  churning around ...... and  of  course  the  mass  of stupid  fuckers  .......that surround  us .....and   well as i live in south Florida  ........ one of  the  dumbest  shitholes ......i have  ever  lived in .....not  the   capital of   smartness it hangs out the arse of  america  ......... like a  huge  anal  cist.........full of  puss/shit/garbage  humans........ that is /useless  mindless  fuckers  ...........but it has the sunshine....... and of  course the godawful summers  ........which  right now ........  everyone else is  getting fucked  by the  heat its   checks and  balances ....... as  they say in the banking business .......i have  heard  i will stray off topic and forget why the fuck i came in here  ...but hey thing leads to another  ....right swearing/walt whitman/poetry/sunshine/women (my fav).......listen i love women  i do  respect  them  .........but  like heroin ....only in  small doses .......they can become  addiction like  heroin  ....some  guys  cannot help themselves   ...but you  have to control that small head  ......and they must have nice  feet and  smell good  too .......just as  an additive .......(i have the attention  span of a  dungfly  ...(not bar .......maybe shit.....)  so anything long term is  not   for  my brain....... i love   fixing things   because it is  short term .......and i may have ADD....maybe .....or tri polar  ......that is  3 polar bears in my head ......i used to wonder .......  why   people  would say  bi-polar a kid....... i would think it was  2 polar  bears ....... opposite  fighing t inside  someone's  head  ....until i found it was  polar opposites .....i prefer the whole polar bear theory my world ....if it is not  broken not  fix it right .........

Anyways i do hope  this answers all your  question as  to why i waste  valuable time in here  bringing  you my thoughts/rants/raves/info/crazy shit is  really to make someone's day....... a little brighter  perhaps ......or maybe  someone's is  having a bad  day  .......and my nonsense ...... makes it seem  more  legible .....we are only here  for a  short time on this  massive  pile of  rock  and it does not make  sense  on  any level have to enjoy what you   have  .not  what you  do not  have  ...that is  insanity ........

and if  i can   help /change /make  someones  life   more  sense  .............

Then this  has been all worth it !!!!!! .......

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