Sunday, June 30, 2024



Well to me......... the japanese  have  always  been fucking crazy/nuts/wacko........they love odd....... and  strange.......... and  shit ,,,,........but.......... well i guess......... this one  takes  the  cookie  they say .....a festival  dedicated  to  the  dick/wang/schlong/penis/the johnstone........etc....etc......i mean ........ well first off !!!!!! .....i will not  go to a penis  festival ......i know japanese chicks will.........they are sex  starved .....and kinky as  fuck and   very..... very ...... weird  girls ....and they fucking cry a lot in pornos.......someone  told me  that  .......i must check it out sometime .......(nudge....... nudge..... wink........ wink )..........we  all know  this!!!!......... about  yellow fever ........ its a   country  strangely into   strange  sex a  vagina  festival  .....i know there  must be one  somewhere in a  3rd world  country ........

Now a  penis  festival in america  ....... would be  called  a pride  festival  .......  they have  that here  .......not  sure if it under he  same  umbrella  .......but as you will see....... in the pics  there are men   sucking on dick lollipops   ....something no  straight man would do matter  how  good  any lollipop tastes ........if it was  cans ........yes ..........i could not go to japan  ......and  tell my freinds  i went  to a dick festival street cred  would go down the  toilet .........i mean   FFS .....i can see women .......sucking on dick lollies of course .......but  look at the pics  ........anyway i try and  bring you weird and  wonderful  ....this is  the best yet to love those  Japanese 

All i can take from the  the article  .....something to  do  with the  clap/VD/dick rot/fungus .........etc ....etc they sell helmet cheese sandwiches  ???? ......

Japan’s Annual Penis Festival Is Unlike Anything Else

Kanamara Matsuri has been an annual tradition since 1969, and besides being known for its fun, it raises money for a good cause.

In early April, scores of revelers gather in the city of Kawasaki, about 30 minutes south of Tokyo, to celebrate Kanamara Matsuri – Japan’s infamous penis festival, with a name translating roughly to Festival of the Steel Phallus. Kanamara Matsuri’s main festivities have taken place on the first Sunday of April since 1969 (yes, seriously). 

At the festival centering on the um, organ and fertility, attendees get to erect gigantic penis statues on handheld shrines, enjoy penis-shaped lollipops, buy penis-shaped candles, and (obviously) dress as penises. There’s a seemingly endless array of phallic merch!

“Amazing. So fun, so unique, such a different experience,” one Australian tourist who went to this year’s gathering told Euronews. “It’s so weird coming from Australia to see something like this, but it looks like everyone’s having a great time.”

In the past, an estimated 50,000 people from around the world have gathered annually for the festival, with numbers shrinking in recent years due to COVID. Besides being visually unique, the festival has taken on a positive message: raising awareness about safe sex and gathering profits from merch sales to fund HIV research. (In recent years, Japan has seen a rise in rates of sexually transmitted diseases like syphilis, with more than 50% more patients treated for the disease in 2022 than in 2021, per Japanese news source the Mainichi.) The event has also been an inclusive space for Japanese LGBTQ communities.

But what about the festival’s origins? During Japan’s Edo Period, from 1603 to 1867, Kawasaki was known for having quite the nightlife scene, as it was a popular center for trade and commerce. The city’s Kanayama Shrine, built in roughly 698 CE, features a statue of a steel penis and became a place for sex workers to pray for protection against sexually transmitted infections and for others to pray for fertility. This history, combined with one particular local folktale involving a toothed demon and a steel penis – quite the combo – led to the modern version of Kanamara Matsuri.

BuzzFeed News last attended Kanamara Matsuri in 2019. We decided to go back post-COVID and the festival is still going strong, with revelers partying extra hard. 

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