So apparently ....this is a show where ....... five gay guys ....... descend upon a straight guy...... and try to gay him up......... for his wife or some shit or his mum complains .....well here is a thing i am stright and i like what i have i do not need any advice from any fucker ........why would you do this to a husband and you have to be up for some gaying up at the start ....i do not need to be told........ the fenshui .....which is fucking made up bollocks ....... by some new york yenta .....trying to say your shitter is facing north.......... and your bed is off ......well fuck off !!!!!!! ....telling me my shit is bad vibe will cost ya ......who came up with a show saying that straight guys need help form gay guys ......i mean FFS ,....guys like playstation /lazy boys/beer /pizza/stainless steel walls and a fucking microwave ....if your wife girlfriend tells you need 5 guys to tell you what to do 5 gay guys ....she needs a boot straight in the cunt /vag/BC........all guys want ..well most hot blooded ...... guys is pussy......and food !!!!!!.....this is why they get married ....but they get fucked over ...... and a girl friend with benefits ....married men ..they just become fucking pussies......... and end up with the garage ...... or basement ........ and the women gays up the rest of the house .....and he gets to make home made beer ......fool!!!!!!......gets a flat screen ....for his bum chums while they dress up in team colors and hug each other at games ........
anyways i am sure no straight man has ever sat there and thought gay guys can fix my house....... it is made up by fucked up mental broads.......... and some gay guys has to be straight man can think this shit up .........they want their basement turned into a strip club .....that is it .....anyways not sure what this guy is talking about ...but he has a beard and a dress .............
Jonathan Van Ness finally addressed that bombshell Rolling Stone exposé.

According to the article, sources who worked with the Queer Eye star accused Jonathan of being "emotionally abusive" with "rage issues." The sources also claimed that Jonathan's alleged "nightmare" behavior sparked tension between the Fab Five, including Bobby Berk, who chose not to return for an additional season.

Over three months later, Jonathan addressed the accusations on a recent episode of the Table Manners podcast.

"One thing it taught me was that I had been getting so much self-esteem from social and my job," they said. "I think a lot of people were looking for a reason to hate me or looking for a reason to be like, 'See, I always knew that they were a fake cunt, and this is the proof.'"

The 37-year-old credited their family, husband, and team for being supportive during the backlash and recalled avoiding social media for three weeks. "Anytime I tried to dip my toe in, I would immediately see something that was so intensely hurtful. I think people forget no matter how famous you are, you’re still a person."

They said the article came during an "incredibly vulnerable" time for their hair care company and career. "It just was really rough."

"Even though I do believe that that article was overwhelmingly untrue and done in bad faith, there have obviously been times through your career when you're stressed out, or I may have been elbow-deep in highlights and was like, 'No, I can't talk about that right now!'"

"I know that there was times when I could have been better. But I think also being a survivor of abuse and talking about everything I've talked about, I internalized it so badly. I was like, 'Oh my god, is it true? Am I really this bad person?' It forced me to really learn how to slow down, disengage, and then really love myself. Sometimes, loving yourself just looks like feeling your feelings. I just had to be sad for a minute," they concluded.

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