Mississippi state trooper is fired after sending sex tape she filmed with another woman to colleagues

  • Former Mississippi Highway Patrol cop Ivana Williams, 36, was let go in January
  • The other woman in the tape, who is unnamed, is now suing her in federal court
  • Williams has sued back, on the grounds the woman has damaged her reputation

A state trooper fired for sending out a sex tape featuring her and another woman to other officers is wrapped up in a legal battle with her co-star - and the force that gave her the axe.

Former Mississippi Highway cop Ivana Williams, 36, was let go in January, and the other woman in the tape is now suing her in federal court.

The petition alleges Williams sexually assaulted the unnamed woman, videotaped it, and shared the clip with other troopers.

Williams has since sued back, on the grounds the alleged victim damaged her reputation and business relationships by saying she was assaulted.

The other woman also claims she was told the clip would be deleted, while Williams claims her firing was not only retaliatory for complaining about a reassignment, but discrimination due to her being a woman. 

In an appeal, she argued male officers have done the same, and claimed the decision violates rules designed to protect state employees.

Former Mississippi Highway cop Ivana Williams, 36, was let go from her law enforcement job back in February, as another woman is suing her in federal court

Former Mississippi Highway cop Ivana Williams, 36, was let go from her law enforcement job back in February, as another woman is suing her in federal court