Friday, April 5, 2024


 Who the fuck in their right cranium .....wants to wait in a  fucking garbage  bag to nick/thieve/steal/pinch/half inch/knock off/5 finger discount./offsky ......obviously this  useless  fucker does not have  a fucking  job ......what  fucking asswipe  wants to steal that bad they wait in a   garbage  bag  .......get a life you cunt .......what is worth waiting in a garbage  bag worth stealing .......only in stupid /useless /rundown/broke ass/democrat owned  bastard  state .....they should have set fire to it ......entertaining ...... watch  some imeba  burn in plastic ......

Watch California thief disguised as garbage bag steal package in doorbell cam footage

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With the increasing popularity of doorbell cameras and home security systems, getting away with package theft is harder than ever.

You'd think the high likelihood of getting caught on camera would deter porch pirates from snagging packages that don't belong to them. There is another option, however, according to one thief out of California: wearing a disguise.

Does the disguise need to be elaborate and clever? Not according to this porch pirate.

The package thief was caught on camera in Sacramento late last month, attempting to nab a package from the home of Omar Gabriel Munoz. Instead of simply walking up to the porch, the thief appears to go full Ace Ventura, disguising themselves as a simple black garbage bag.

A thief concealed themselves in a trash bag in order to steal a package from a California resident's door step.
A thief concealed themselves in a trash bag in order to steal a package from a California resident's door step.

Crafty thief caught on doorbell cam

Footage captured by Munoz's door camera shows the thief crouched low to the ground with their body hidden inside the garbage bag. With nothing but feet sticking out of the bottom, the perp slowly makes their way up the property's front sidewalk, shuffling along in an apparent attempt to look like, well, a pile of garbage.

Making their way to the front porch, the thief-turned-sentient-garbage-bag hovers over the small package, snatches it up and pulls it inside of the bag. Still crouched with sneakers sticking out of the bottom, the perp shuffles back down the sidewalk, camera following them all the way.

Munoz told Storyful that he was confused after getting a notification the package had been delivered but returning home to find it gone.

"At first I was kinda angry but when I saw the video again I was laughing because people (these) days have a lot of creativity," Munoz told KXTV-TV. He told the outlet that he did not report the theft, as he figured local police "have more important things to do."

Police chase caught on camera: Video shows suspect trying to outrun police on horseback before being caught

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Video shows California porch pirate disguised as garbage bag nab a box

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......