Saturday, April 27, 2024



Listen...... i love chicks .....all of them ...... ...well .........only the hot ones ......i do not trust  Baltic...... or Russian/Estonian/Serbian/Ukrainian/Hungarian/Slovakian .....and chicks....... with last names i cannot pronounce........with V's and X'S......i mean the tennis chicks ........ are an exception to the rules ......especially the ovas!!!!!......their last names end in ova .........(call me shallow but  cannot help it....... i like tennis !!!!)........... they all seem to be blonde........ and  hot  .....something in the water ...... or gene pool .. .....and Russian girls ........with names like Svetlana.....and James bond sounding names ......they !!!!! me cannot be trusted !!!!!.......i have never ..... ever ....... dated one .....mostly white  euro trash...... British chicks...... and  Brazilian ......and  latin ......never yellow fever (yellow fever being asian or  pac rim....or Korean/Chinese/Malaysian/Japanese/Pilipino/taiwanese/Vietnamese/Cambodian/thai/.......etc etc i giving too much away!!!!!!! 

I have  many things  about  a  women  ........her  feet!!!!  ....the wings....... under  the  arms .....the ears ...... the eyebrows...... .....neck ....back of the  hand .......and chicken legs ......i may be a  germ freak a little .....however  ....broads like these......  are  not trustworthy .......and well,,,,,, they do not  hang around in lower circles....... they are usually up in the  six  figure   bracket.....and although she is  fuckable/porkable/bangable .........i would be  wary of  such hotness .......all guys are after a  bitch like this you know ....... she is  being hunted  every day's the game  baby  the  game i personally....... have  no  worries  ...but some rich fucking idiot will take this on ...... and  get  fucked !!!!! ...look at tiger woods ......bill gates .....bezos !!!!!! me a  beautiful women ......and i will show you a guy....... sick of fucking her .....simple   .........simple  dolly dimple ....fact  look at  j-lo....Giselle bunchen ........worlds number one  model  !!!!....tom got  sick of  fucking her  ......... did not  want to retire......  you see  where i am going  giselle!!!!!bunchen!!!!....  guys ......Heidi Klum ......model  ......seal .....mind you he is a  singer   ....and women like scars on a mans  face .....for some reason........but looks like a  weirdo but  can  fucking sing .......just saying .......and to finish my rant  ...when i meet a broad ....... i ask her  3 simple  questions....... and  yes or no .....if she cannot  answer them its  over  .......simple test  never  fails ......


But i have to say if i were  rich .......i may buy this   for  an hour ..... no more .......

Former Russian sex spy says she was trained as a ‘master manipulator’

Former Russian sex spy says she was trained as a ‘master manipulator’

After charming her targets as a "master manipulator," Aliia Roza is breaking her silence.

The former Russian citizen who claims to be an ex-spy is revealing her tales of sexpionage in a new podcast from Tenderfoot TV and iHeartPodcasts, "To Die For." 

The podcast claims to be the first time an alleged Russian Federal Security Service (FSB)-trained "seduction agent" is speaking out about her "training, techniques, targets and missions," reported.


Allia Roza writing to die for in red lipstick
Aliia Roza is sharing her story in the TenderfootTV and iHeartPodcasts series "To Die For."

It was launched by Neil Strauss, author of "The Game" who also wrote "The Dirt" about rock band Mötley Crüe.

"It’s been over two decades that I’ve stayed silent," Roza told Fox News Digital. "But for a few reasons, I couldn’t keep my silence. I couldn’t live with this pain anymore, even though I’ve been through all this trauma. … If it was not me [speaking out], then who would speak out?"


In the podcast, listeners will discover how Roza managed to flee Moscow with her young son. Roza said she wanted to give her child a better life.

Aliia Roza looking to the side in a sheer black dress and hood
Aliia Roza, who lives in Los Angeles, told Fox News Digital she wanted to give her son a better life.

"The biggest achievement of my life is becoming a parent," Roza explained. "I wanted to experience that. I wanted to create a family. I wanted to have kids. And I was not allowed to do that. And then I realized, ‘Wait a minute. I live only one life. I don’t want to spend my life sacrificing for something I don’t believe in anymore.' That was the moment when I looked for possibilities to escape."

Aliia Roza as a child on the shoulders of her father
In the podcast, Aliia Roza described how she grew up in a strict household.

Roza was born into a Kazakh-Tatar family of a high-ranking military officer in the Soviet Union. Her grandfather fought the Nazis during World War II, and her father is a high-ranking officer of over 45 years. As a child, Roza said, she was involved in a special government program for children of high-ranking officers.

Roza described how she once had big dreams to pursue fashion design. But it was her father, she said, who warned her, "There’s no other option."


Aliia Roza as a child
Aliia Roza Aliia Roza was born in the USSR into a Kazakh-Tatar family of a high-ranking military officer in the Soviet Union.

"I was trained from a very early age to do different things like martial arts, physical activities," Roza claimed. "I learned you cannot give up, you cannot be vulnerable, you cannot be weak, you cannot cry. Nobody can enter this program. If you don’t have a family member who is a high-ranking officer, it’s impossible.

"I never thought I would [later] enter a sex program."

At age 18, Roza said, she was chosen out of 350 students to participate in a top-secret program developed by former KGB psychologists and high-ranking officers. There, Roza said, she studied how to use seduction and persuasion to get information from enemy targets.

Aliia Roza sitting outdoors wearing a jacket
At age 18, Aliia Roza said, she entered a top-secret program where she learned about the art of seduction.

"It’s not just sex – it’s very far from sex actually," Roza explained. "It’s all about the art of communication. We’re taught how to dress up, how to put on makeup, how to present yourself, how to speak with your targets, how to make your targets believe in you and trust you. … It’s about the psychology of people, of criminals, of men. … It’s about understanding the perspective of men and what exactly they want."

Aliia Roza in military uniform
Aliia Roza is the granddaughter of a national hero who fought the Nazis during World War II. Her father is a high-ranking officer of over 45 years.

"When you seduce, it’s … as simple as starting with good compliments," she continued. "It’s not just, ‘I like your jacket.’ It has to be something really specific and appropriate from that moment. This will make people really attracted to you. They’ll start to like you. And when you know how to lead a conversation, people will become very open to you. They will become very friendly. … You learn how to be polite, friendly, respectful in society.

Aliia Roza saluting in military gear
Aliia Roza said she was chosen out of 350 students to participate in a secret program developed by former KGB psychologists and high-ranking officers.

"And there are the sex techniques," she teased. "This is really hardcore. But it’s making your target become obsessed with you. That’s a completely different game."

Roza said it took "many years" for her to later realize she was "brainwashed" as a "master manipulator."


Aliia Roza holding a knife
Aliia Roza said she was trained to be a "master manipulator."

"I was made to believe that I was a hero fighting against human and drug trafficking, saving all of these underage kids that were … kidnapped from their families," she said. "I would see all the parents coming to our department crying, begging us to help.

"We as agents had this very low salary. … We had like $100 a month working six days a week. … But I felt patriotic. I felt like a hero saving someone’s life. And I felt very powerful. I felt that nobody could do anything to me. I was sacrificing my body doing all these missions. So, I just detached my emotions from my body.

Aliia Rosa posing on a plane
Aliia Roza said that, at first, she felt "patriotic" as a spy.

"At the end of the day, when I saved someone’s life, I felt good about it," Roza shared. "But I never asked myself how I felt being in a body that was constantly abused and raped by random men. … One former FBI agent said I was a broken toy, that I was sex trafficked myself. … But all my classmates, we didn’t feel this way. We felt patriotic. We were ready to sacrifice and do anything for our government. That’s how I felt."

Neil Strauss speaking at the podium
Author Neil Strauss is the host of "To Die For."

Strauss told Fox News Digital that, at first, it was difficult to believe Roza’s story. But after doing research and speaking to sources, it was difficult to ignore her claims.

"I only covered the story of Aliia’s time in Russia," he explained. "But there’s a whole other world, a whole other story. There are very intense experiences, trauma, PTSD. … It goes in a place no one expects.

Aliia Roza posing in a red dress
As a secret agent, Aliia Roza worked to stop human and drug trafficking. It's something she's still passionate about today.

"I remember the first time I was introduced to Aliia over dinner," Strauss recalled. "When she started speaking, everyone stopped what they were doing. They only listened to her. She held the floor for the rest of the meal. That’s all I could think about afterward. … There was a story here that needed to be told. And it was also the way she told her story. I never heard anything like it before."


Aliia Roza in a glamorous shot wearing a low cut sheer black dress
It was love that made Aliia Roza rethink her life choices.

In 2004, Roza fell in love with a man she was meant to gather intelligence on, the New York Post reported. According to the outlet, the man’s associates discovered she was a spy. With the help of her lover, Roza fled Moscow and eventually laid down roots in Los Angeles.

Roza has not returned to Russia for more than a decade, she said. She assumed a new name, one she still uses today.

Roza said despite working to stop human and drug trafficking as a spy, she also felt "used" by the Russian government.

"I saw all these other female agents who reached a certain age, like 56," she said. "They were so miserable, so lonely. They were not allowed to have private lives. They couldn’t have families. … I couldn’t allow that to happen to me."

Aliia Roza wearing a red dress and holding a gun
Aliia Roza teaches other women about the art of seduction.

Today, Roza teaches her tips on seduction not to agents-in-training, but to women eager to boost their self-esteem. She has over a million followers on Instagram.

She described being "disappointed" by the Russia-Ukraine war.

"Putin started the war," she said. "All of these innocent people have died for no reason. … It’s awful. We need to speak out about it because it’s not over. … Who will speak out against this evil? What is happening in the world? I do hope my story will encourage women to be inspired, support each other and share their stories. I hope we can unite."

A close-up of Aliia Roza looking into the camera
Aliia Roza said she has been encouraged to return to her old life. She's declined.

Strauss is hopeful the podcast will encourage other former female spies to come forward.

"What stood out to me? Most people are afraid to talk," he explained. "And if the Russian intelligence program is so widespread, why are so few people willing to come forward? And I think a lot of people don’t understand what it’s like for a woman growing up in the Russian military intelligence community, the lack of rights, the lack of agency, the abuse and horror that goes on there.

"I can tell you from researching Aliia’s story … it doesn’t go well for anyone," he added. "The agents are as exploited as the targets. I think there are no winners here when you’re using sex and love as weapons of war."

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I LIKE TAYLOR BUT ,.........

  Listen .......i think taylor  swift talented......  smart ....... and  of  course ......  very ....... very.........  and i mean.............