Thursday, April 25, 2024



Whoever  concocted this stupid looking bullshit idea....... ....was a  big fucking fairy !!!!.......who the fuck wants a mansion in a street ......... that looks like all the rest ........of course....... the  kind of  people who  buy this  crap .....have the disney /cruise ship mentality ........they just want to be  like  everyone else ......look at this pile of  shit .......why do you want to live in a place ....... that all the houses  look the same have that with  council houses .....i grew up in Scotland ........ and  the street  .......the houses  were  all the same  ......nothing different  !!!!!! ...does not  matter  what you  do !!!!!'s a  fucking council house ....... can put a bar in it ...... and  club's still a council house.......put in a spa......still a  fucking council house can put lipstick on a pig......but  at the end of the  day friends  still a pig ....

The guy that thought this shit  up  was  a  fucking lunatic .....he sold  half of them  so there  are ......350.....fucking idiots   fucked out of   400k .....i  would not ........ or  could not ....... live in a place  like  ,.......ever .......fucking stepford wives  ...that is what it is  .....

ON the coast of Black Sea sits an eerie ghost town full of Disney-inspired mansions that were never finished.

The fairy tale town, located in Turkey's northwestern Bolu region, was left to rot after the builders filed for bankruptcy.

The project to build 732 villas began in 2014 but was never completed
The project to build 732 villas began in 2014 but was never completedCredit: Getty
Nestled in the lush Turkish forest, the village overlooks the Black Sea
Nestled in the lush Turkish forest, the village overlooks the Black SeaCredit: Alamy
Hundreds of villas resembling Disney kingdoms now lie empty and unliveable
Hundreds of villas resembling Disney kingdoms now lie empty and unliveableCredit: Getty
Despite its dreamy look, only 350 homes were sold
Despite its dreamy look, only 350 homes were soldCredit: Alamy

Burj Al Babas was developed on an 250-acre site in the Roman spa town of Mudurnu and promised to offer a slice of European luxury in the Middle-East.

The developer Sarot Properties Group blew a whopping £160million on the project, hoping that wealthy Arab investors would flock to the area.

The builders planned to install a waterpark in the town, complete with slides, streams, indoor swimming pools, Turkish baths, saunas and steam rooms, to seal the sweet deal.

The prospective buyers could get their own royal mansion fitted with underfloor heating and Jacuzzis on every level for £400,000.


The gothic-style pointy rooftops and intricate balconies which open up to the stunning view of the sea resembled those from Disney classics.

Nestled in the lush Turkish forest, the town seemed to be straight out of Cinderella story - albeit, without a happy ending.

Despite the dreamy look, only 350 homes were sold and the streets of Burj Al Babas remain empty to this day.

The construction began in 2014 and only two-thirds of the planned 732 houses were completed before the builders ran out of money.

The ambitious plans left the developers with a massive debt of £21million.

Caught up in economic turmoil of the country, the builders were then forced to file for bankruptcy in 2019.

The developers were also under fire for allegedly destroying trees as they faced a legal action from the residents.

The locals were opposed to the project, arguing that the castles looked out of place among the Ottoman-style mansions, and harmed the environment.

The construction was halted indefinitely, and today the eerie village shows no signs of life.

At a first glance, it still seems like a fairy tale kingdom, but at a closer look, the abandoned town gives off a post-apocalyptic feel.

The building materials are scattered across the site, and the half-built castles lie unliveable.

Only curious tourists occasionally sneak into the ghost kingdom to peak at rows of partially finished villas.

Another mysterious abandoned castle mansion was found frozen in time deep in the Canadian forest.

Built in 1973, the 9,000 square foot mansion once stood proudly on 6 acres of beautiful property before it met its tragic demise.

An urban explorer has also revealed his discovery of a "really dangerous" old Victorian mansion.

The creepy property was filled with unopened amazon packages and retro arcade games.

Meanwhile, in the tranquil resort town of Guatape, Columbia, Pablo Escobar's abandoned mansion was left covered in vegetation.

La Manuela was one of the drug kingpin's favourite luxury hideaways but was blown up and left to decay the same year he was gunned down.


Curious tourists sometimes sneak to peak at rows of half-finished castles
Curious tourists sometimes sneak to peak at rows of half-finished castlesCredit: AFP or licensors
The site is littered with abandoned construction materials

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ABOUT TIME ........

  Federal workers have had it way too easy  ......way too long  a.......nd  now  a new  boss is  coming ........oin to  kick some   federal ...