Sunday, February 18, 2024



He lies  ....he is a  president  ...all presidents  fucking lie ......but he is   just fucking  lost it ........ a  mumbling ........ stuttering fuck ........of epic prorortions .....i mean  demos  should be  ashamed of  themselves ......... for  picking a   fucking twat .....but have you noticed that ignoarant fucks  have no shame these  fat mothers at wal mart with the  skinny husbands  .....and  wear    yoga pants  ......that is  not   confidence   that is  just no fucking shame .....simple .....there is  a  difference.......  between ......... confidence........ and   no shame shame is  just ignorance......... on a  level that takes no skill ......confidence  takes  skill....... and   dexterity .......if you  do not  know what that means  you have no shame ......snd democrats   do not have it simple .......i am  just seeing what i see .....go to fucking wal mart  and  you will see  a  hard of  the  most shamelss  cunts   groveling on the  planet .......and they are  biden supporters .......because they do not  want  to have a  good  life  ....fact .......they will take  whatever  they can get without the  struggle  .......they ant freebies and   fuck up the country .......i think.....but hey !!!!!!....... what the fuck do i know  .....i am just a  vanilla  gorilla .........looking for a  free table   dance  .......hey!!!!!!!....i might be a  democrat ........

Fact Check: Biden Claims He was a 'Full Professor' at the University of Pennsylvania. Here Are the Facts

The White House/Wikimedia Commons
The White House/Wikimedia Commons


U.S. President Joe Biden was a “full professor” at the University of Pennsylvania for four years.


Rating: Mixture
Rating: Mixture

What's True:

From 2017 to 2021, then-former Vice President Joe Biden was the Benjamin Franklin Presidential Practice Professor at the University of Pennsylvania. During his time there, he collected more than $900,000. However …


What's False:

… this role was honorary. He gave lectures and talks to students on campus, but did not teach a full semester’s course load during that time.


In mid-to-late 2023, a number of posts on X and TikTok circulated showing U.S. President Joe Biden saying he taught "political theory" at the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) for four years. The posts argued that Biden was lying, and that he "never taught a single class at UPenn."

Questions about Biden's role at UPenn have circulated for years. In mid-April 2022, for instance, his critics latched on to a speech in which he claimed to have been a "full professor" for four years at the university.

Biden once held an honorary professor position at UPenn, from 2017-2021, after being vice president in Barack Obama's administration. However, he did not teach a semester's worth of courses; he primarily gave talks and lectures to students, and he led the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in Washington, D.C. As such we rate this claim a "Mixture."

After his time as vice president, Biden became the Benjamin Franklin Presidential Practice Professor, the first to hold such a job. Over the first few years of holding this position, Biden earned more than $900,000 from the university for speaking at various events. According to a report by the Philadelphia Inquirer, he "collected $371,159 in 2017 plus $540,484 in 2018 and early 2019 for a vaguely defined role that involved no regular classes and around a dozen public appearances on campus, mostly in big, ticketed events."

Biden's professorship did involve him delivering numerous talks and lectures. In 2017, soon after the position was announced, his spokesperson Kate Bedingfield told UPenn's newspaper The Daily Pennsylvanian that he would not be teaching traditional classes.

Alongside his professorship title, he officially held joint appointments in the Annenberg School for Communication and the School of Arts and Sciences, with a secondary affiliation in the Wharton School.

February 2019 list compiled by the Daily Pennsylvanian detailed the more public-facing talks and lectures Biden did over roughly two years. During this time, he did deliver one lecture to Wharton Business School graduate students in a highly selective course run by the Lauder Institute that offers a joint International Studies degree with an MBA. This list did not include the work he may have done behind the scenes.

In April 2019, when Biden became the candidate for the U.S. presidency, the university released the following statement:

Joe Biden officially announced that he will be running for President of the United States. A number of people on campus have asked in recent days how this would impact his role at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement. Now that he is officially a candidate, Vice President Biden, who serves as the Benjamin Franklin Presidential Practice Professor, will be taking an unpaid leave of absence from his work at the Penn Biden Center.

It should be noted that Jeb Bush, former Florida governor and Republican presidential candidate, also held the title of presidential professor of practice at the university from 2018 to 2020, and participated in talks, lectures, and even made appearances with Biden. His compensation was private, according to the Inquirer.

According to UPenn, Biden no longer holds the title. His time in the role lasted from 2017 to 2021.

This was also not his first professor role. In 1991, Joe Biden became an adjunct professor at Widener University Delaware Law School and taught occasional courses on constitutional law for approximately 20 years.

Given that Biden was an honorary professor for around four years, earning close to $1 million, but did not teach an actual full course during that time, we rate this claim as a "Mixture."


A Message to the Penn Community Regarding Vice President Joe Biden Accessed 15 Apr. 2022.

Coudriet, Rebecca Tan, Carter. Joe Biden Came to Penn for the Fourth Time in 2018. Here's His Role on Campus, Explained. The Daily Pennsylvanian. Accessed 15 Apr. 2022.

Did Biden Teach Constitutional Law for 21 Years? Snopes.Com, Accessed 15 Apr. 2022.

Jeb Bush | The Andrea Mitchell Center for the Study of Democracy Accessed 15 Apr. 2022.

Joe Biden | The Andrea Mitchell Center for the Study of Democracy Accessed 15 Apr. 2022.

Kumar, Hari. No One Is Really Sure What Joe Biden Will Be Doing at Penn. The Daily Pennsylvanian. Accessed 15 Apr. 2022.

Sousa, Tori. Biden's Claim of Being a "teacher" at Penn Drew Scrutiny. Here's What His Role Really Was. The Daily Pennsylvanian. Accessed 15 Apr. 2022.

Tamari, Jonathan. "Penn Has Paid Joe Biden More than $900K since He Left the White House. What Did He Do to Earn the Money?" Philadelphia Inquirer Accessed 15 Apr. 2022.

Vargas, Chase Sutton, Biruk Tibebe, Sophia Dai, Eliud. Photo Essay | A Look Back at Joe Biden's Visits to Penn since Becoming a Professor. The Daily Pennsylvanian. Accessed 15 Apr. 2022.

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MORE YE ........................

  All i have to say is  ....... kanye is a  shit stirrer .......and  he   loves  to push the  envelope  ....... he like the  attention.....a...