Monday, February 5, 2024

AH !!!!!!!!!.....THE GOOD OLD DAYS ........

Ah!!!!!!....remember the good old  days !!!!!! ........chocolate.........yodelling ......alps.........and look now !!!!!!! .........well it is   prostitution .........which i think  ...the  age old  profession .....time' s  are a changing ...i am  afraid  ...i am  always for prostitution is  world wide ....... and  more  people  prostitute their souls .....everyday  ......than they know   ...they  do not know ....... at to what  level whether be  a  job or a  relationship........but  the world is  going to shit  ......with drugs......... and   who ever   is behind it........ is  doing   good........  financially  .....i am not sure why  switzerland ....... the place is  fucking cold  good for  ski-ing ...............prostitution is  better in places phillipines and  thailand  .......just saying ........ warmer is  better  .......maybe some  fuckers like doing it in the  cold  ....not  i .....

DRAGGING themselves out of bed, three women head outside into the freezing cold, wearing little besides their pyjamas and a coat.

They have left their small, dank shared room so that their flatmate can use it to service a client.

Switzerland is famed for its liberal approach to sex and prostitution, but there is a darker side
Switzerland is famed for its liberal approach to sex and prostitution, but there is a darker sideCredit: Darren Fletcher Photography - Commissioned by The Sun
Some sex workers operate from bars run by gangs
Some sex workers operate from bars run by gangs

This is the reality for thousands of sex workers in Switzerland, whose pioneering legal industry - thought to be worth £2.9billion - hides a dangerous undercurrent of gang crime and trafficking.

The Sun visited the liberal nation to explore how it has become an unlikely European sex capital, with Brit tourists flocking to its clubs and notorious 'saunas' every year.

Forward-thinking technology like an Uber-style booking platform and government-backed 'sex boxes' are among innovative measures attempting to improve the safety of sex work, which has been legal here since 1942.

But despite such efforts, Switzerland continues to be blighted by cruel gangs who traffic vulnerable women across its borders, forcing them to sell their bodies and undercutting their fees.

Elisa*, a survivor of forced prostitution helped by the charity Heartwings, told us: “Every evening, my soul died again on the streets.

"I went into rooms with these strange men, these disgusting guys who touched my body.

“Sometimes fathers came with their sons. Some were perverse, some like animals.

"My mobile phone was always within reach in case a customer became violent. Out of a hundred clients, maybe one showed some respect. I lived in constant fear.”

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......